Wednesday, January 20, 2010

DSi's are a Funny Thing

This Christmas Santa brought our two oldest children DSi's - don't qoute me on that - I know it is a DS, and not a DSlite, but maybe DSi is in my head because of CSI - anyway..........they got these terribly expensive little toys that eat up their attention when you don't want them to - BigGuy's attention too really if the kiddo's ever happen to put one down anywhere near where he is sitting.

But then thing that I find funny is - the DS's are bringing my kids together.


I mean Spidey, TheKing and SuperStar all get along very well. Not that they are Stepford children and they get along ALL THE TIME. But they play well enough together that if we don't see any one outside of our own family for a week or two - they have each other. Maybe they have a few new bruises too, but they have each other and they are happy and well adjusted.

So how do the DS'd bring them together? Well........they have a chat program in them. Kinda like a training program for texting. Only you have to be within 50 feet of another person with a DS who can chat with you. And they REALLY REALLY like doing the chatting (I have no idea where they got that gene from). So they will sit and chat with one another. For hours! Which I find amazing because even though they are close and play with one another - they spend a good chunk of their time complaing to me about one another being too loud.

As you can see - poor TheKing does not have a DS - so he passes out from boredom watching the other two chat about farting back and forth.......hey, I didn't say they were chatting intellectual things to each other.

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