Wednesday, April 14, 2010

First Bike Ride

Dang!! I forgot to get a picture......dang dang dang dang dang!! oh well.....let's just imagine the picture - it was Saturday - GORGEOUS weather - sun in the clear blue sky GORGEOUS. Kinda windy.....I had spent part of the earlier day out in the front yard dragging the kite we have around trying to get it up into the air to fly away and make TheKing's face twinkle with happiness. Of course that didn't actually ever happen. What did happen was he demanded a turn, refused to let me throw the kite up as he ran, so his kite fell plummeting to the ground and he crabbed about it and drug it through the grass. BigGuy kept calling me into the garage to "pump the air pump really fast - really fast - no, I mean really fast" so that he could get a seal on the tire that fell flat through the winter months. While doing this TheKing would run into the garage crabbing....."help me Maudy I need the kite to fly". Did I mention we had borrowed 2 extra kids to entertain the olders? Yeah, only they had all either had too little sleep - or the 24 hours they had been spending together was just enough time to make them all start to bitch at each other (my apologies, but the word "crabby" just was not enough to describe how they were acting). So in between BigGuy wanting me to "pump the tire pump really fast - no, really fast", TheKing crabbing about the kite not getting high enough (at one point I had it as high as the house and honestly - I was personally impressed with myself THANK YOU), and running interference with the pouty, bitchy older kids who kept peeling off and then seeking me out to "fix" the other kids..........I was ready for a bike ride. I even thought about a bike ride. But again, BigGuy was busy "pumping really fast" (clean your brain out please) and I couldn't reach my bike which was hanging upside down still from the ceiling of our garage. Sigh.

So instead I went to vacuum the windows. Yes I said vacuum the windows - don't you do that? I take the screens out in the fall and clean the ones in rooms where there is a lot of dirt or the pollen hits them heavy. Then in the spring I vacuum the screens of dust they got through the winter months and put them back in place. Don't tell me you don't do that! Don't tell me I am a freak cleaning person who makes my own stuff up to create more work and less rest.......Don't tell me - seriously - because my house always is a mess so I know it is not true - right? Right? done I made a coffee and decided to go downstairs to my CRAFT LAIR (everyone should have a Craft Lair) and make the First Communion cards for friends whose children are having one (we know 7 this year) and some other gift card sets that need finishing....and I probably would have started cleaning that room too (yes, I admit I have a problem......SS aren't you glad you are not me now?). Coffee in hand I went downstairs - closed the door to my lair - started up my laptop (you need a laptop in a lair - TV too for mindless noise that drowns out your children's noise so you can pretend you are in a sound proof lair that no one can find you in) - and then I heard the phone ring. Ignoring it and trying to make myself smaller so if someone came to find me they couldn't......I began to hear BigGuy walking around - which meant he was looking for me - so I put my head in my hands and sat really still and pretended to be invisible (the kids do it - I knew it didn't work, but thought I would try). Door to my lair opened and BigGuy smiled and said into the phone, "Oh here she is, I found her." I gave him an evil look and he handed me the phone and whispered that it was CB. Which caused me to relax because CB is always nice to talk to. She relieves stress for me.

She was having 26 hours to herself. Lucky girl. Jealousy overwhelmed me. But then ..... she asked me to go for a bike ride. At first I felt my responsibilities....BigGuy was headed for gas for the mower, but all kids were still here - SuperStar could watch TheKing who was watching Veggie Tales (we hope that works - I will explain later) - gas is close, my biking would be close - I was going biking.

BigGuy pulled the bike off the ceiling - pumped up my tires (and yes, you know for a fact that I stood next to him and said "pump the tire really fast, no I mean REALLY fast!" the whole time (you do that right? needle the man you love so dearly?). While he did that I put my hair in two ponytails (my hair is getting long - might have to cut it), found my helmet, did some of BigGuy's bidding (Spidey left his bike in the driveway path of the truck and BigGuy has already run over it once and replaced a tire - so I had to get him to move that) - and then I saw CB in the horizon. I was off like a prom dress!! Spidey was calling after why I was leaving and who would take care of them while BigGuy was gone getting gas. I didn't care (sue me).....I just shouted "you'll be fine - stay safe in the basement and out of my lair".

Gorgeous Blue Skies....Bike mildly prepped for the season....Hair in ponies....Helmet on....and CB to bike with....what a treat!!!

Usually I bike alone - so it really was nice to casually bike and talk about stuff - you sweat less that way. We went the 5 mile loop. I tried to talk CB into turning around and doing the loop in the opposite direction, but she said 5 miles was a good start. So I tried talking her into the 2 mile loop takers....she basically said I was trying to trick her by saying it was all "flat" and she didn't want to be too sore the next day - she was kinda right - I did make it sound flatter then it is....and the wind we are having makes everything harder. So I gave up and we sat at her house and drank water and gossiped about everyone (okay so that part is just me trying to make CB look like a gossip - not true - we talked politics and school stuff and made fun of our kids and hubbies).

Once it was dark enough I thought BigGuy might have put the children to bed I rode my bike home. Yard was all mown. Kids were still up (I knew they would be it was only 7:45). BigGuy says, "Oh good you are alive, I thought you might be dead after all this time." Course I had my cell phone and he could have called at any time to see if I was dead and he didn't. So that proves that Needling goes Both Ways. And then he kissed me ...... and I had no need for my Lair.

What a nice First Bike Ride.


Franchesca said...

I have to sneak mine in before everyone wakes up. OK, I don't have to, but it's easier that way. I'm not very nice when I don't start out my day with my walk. I'm just not ok. My own Big Guy is getting his second bike ride in as we type. He's always much nicer after that.

Anonymous said...

LOL! The picture IS of us. Two slender, athletic women. Next time chuck the cell phone. You can't imagine how free you'll feel. (Forget the fact that I answered a text while we were chatting.)