Tuesday, June 1, 2010

So Many Graduations............So Little Time Left

This weekend was filled with parties. Parties where we lost childrens shoes in the dark - and since I am a "let's walk to the party girl" makes a problem for walking home. Parties where we found extra children to take home to spend the night - because we need more children to train BigGuy into getting used to having more children milling about so that we can add another child to our family of 5 (no, this technique is not working.......but I am trying to be creative). Parties where I had to think of clever things to say. Parties where mostly I was 100% comfortable talking to whomever I was standing next to.........but then not seconds later would feel like I as in an awkward void of topics to discuss. Three of the Four parties were graduations. Knew the parents pretty dog gone well.......Knew Two of the Four graduates as well as a 40 year old can know an 18 year old that they aren't related to........Knew the other Two not so well at all. Parties where you feel a gift is in order, but those who know me know I hate giving cash or gift cards.......so then what? Parties where the food is good, but not worth the extra calories. Parties where you see friends you haven't seen since you moved here from St. Louis and it is nice to catch up. Parties where I swear to goodness I found myself staring at people trying to figure out WHY OH WHY DO I KNOW YOU? and also saying the same thing out loud to them........to finally figure out that I knew them from Facebook - and I told them that - and then I had to introduce myself as HalfPint. Dorky. Safety first I suppose......then I had to explain why my Facebook name is HalfPint and admit that I have a blog and try to explain to them how to spell Ohhh Yeah....No Mo-Skee-Toes!! (has to be 4 periods not more not less). And then fall into that weird awkward silence.......thinking in my head to remember their first name because this could be a key to the GS cookie sale later.

So Many Graduations..........So Many Parties...........So Little Time Left

I have to admit...even with the awkward silence it was fun to hit the party circuit...and with all the parties we were still able to get a good deal of work done - power washed the deck - stained the deck - power washed everything I could get in front of BigGuy - mowed the lawn - trimmed the lawn (that is fun running a trimmer)- had an allergic reaction - watched Sherlock Holmes (not worth it, but the new Ben & Jerry's flavor I ate was yummy) - read a book snuggled with Spidey and watched 2 hours of Cake Boss - made Lemon Bars from scratch - found Krusteaz Lemon Bar mixes at Aldi for cheap (yeah!) - made a trip to the pool - 50 cards made (they were graduation gifts) - etc.............

And now it is Tuesday...


Franchesca said...

We have reached a graduation void. No matter how much I love parties, I have to say its rather relaxing to not have to go to the crazy "one more party and then we're almost done" route again. We're at a lull and I love it.

HalfPint said...

we were void of things....graduations....marriages....births.....with the exception of BigGuy's brother having babies and my sister getting married - which we didn't mind - but a few years ago we began to graduate the first set of kids and now we are done for about 4 years. Although now my sister is pregnant....so let's start baby showering!