Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Summer Fun MakeOvers

So Summer Time is for fun. It is for not worrying about getting up early in the morning and getting ready for school. It is for wearing plastic bracelets like Bendeaz and not worrying about getting a 7th hour (or detention for those who have no idea what I am talking about).....and it is for letting your hair down....or cutting it off.....or basically becoming whatever you want to become.

Since recently I have become mildly "anti" spending that much money for a hair cut I never described......I have been more open to catering to Spidey's want for me to cut his hair - and that of course leads us to TheKing wanting his hair cut (although he then cries through the whole thing) and SuperStar is still on her "don't touch my hair" kick - although she is lessening up on this as people are now saying to her "oh my goodness look how long your hair has gotten!" - 2 years without much of a hair cut will do that.

Given all these factors.....Monday we had a Make Over Day. And it was pretty fun....and it was not nearly as difficult as I would have thought it would be! cost all of the $16 in product I purchased at Sally's (highlight bleach, coloring and correct combs).

SuperStar was actually the LAST person to go - but she wanted the LEAST done and on top of that she was going to be the MOST critical of her cut. The cut went surprisingly well. Not a single complaint.....she did consider measuring he length of the pieces that I cut, but in the end since it looked good and she found even herself surprised that her hair came half way down her back - she did not get the ruler out. The Highlighting portion didn't go quite as smoothly though. I did the highlights (first time ever) using one of those caps. It would have went just fine, but I was worried that I would lift her hair color too much and washed the bleach out too early for SuperStar's liking. I felt good, I thought it looked good too, but she was the customer and she wanted a blonde close to white. Later I coaxed her into letting me try again. This time I did it like a foil......MUCH easier surprisingly and MUCH better. She was so happy with the results she came up behind me and bear hugged me. Then she spent the rest of the evening glancing at herself as she found reasons to pass by the mirror. So....hardest customer totally pleased!! Great result!

TheKing was next. His hair had grown out quite a bit. A few months ago I switched products on his hair. I have to say that going to Sally's was a bit better for me in the end that going to a local store that catered to African American hair. Perhaps it was a bad day for the shop keeper the day I went, but she had no interest in helping me find something to tame TheKing's hair. Sally's shop keepers are always up for teaching me a lesson in hair product. I learned about the use of cholestrol from them and the products by Pink (not the singer). Using these has made TheKing's brittle hair go super soft and much much more manageable at a long length as he likes to keep it..
For this adventure he said he wanted "Spidey's" hair. Which meant he wanted a true mohawk like Spidey had last year. TheKing had seen a picture of Mr.T from back in "my childhood's day" and remembered Spidey's hair from last summer. And a decision was born. All it took was his sitting still (not his forte) and some shakey lines to be straightened out after I cut his mohawk. He was so excited......and SuperStar and Spidey were just as excited too - it was so cute to see them all prancing around about his hair!

The final customer of the day was actually the first one in for the cut. Very much like me he does not like to have his hair cut. He has been trying to grow it long on top and cut short in back for a year. Each time he goes in he gets short and short and sometimes even shorter. He usually wants me to cut it ..... BigGuy usually wants Spidey to have it cut professionally - who knows why for both of them. Recently it is just easier to cut it myself.
After we had him cut he waited through the other 2 kids cuts. Then we dyed his hair with the product that we bought to make it green. The woman at Sally's told us that his hair was dark enough that most likely the color would not show up all that well. We thought we would give it a go though as the alternative was lifting the color off of his hair to blonde and then dying it. The sales woman at Sally's was right. Spidey was not impressed with the results. So we had all the remaining bleach from SuperStar's highlights. Hmmmm......could it be that easy? I called up to Sally's....she said it should be fine to use that product to lift his hair lighter. Spidey sat down, we covered his hair in the bleach and waited......and waited. The first go round went exactly as the sales woman said - his hair was dark enough that the roots were blonde, but his tips were still orange. So we washed the bleach off and reapplied more to the tips and not to the base of the hair. Then we waited......and waited. I read up that you can leave bleach on your hair up to 50 minutes. We didn't come near that so we were okay. In the end he was close to a very high light color of blonde. He thought he was very cool. SuperStar no longer wanted anything to do with dying her hair a color given all the processing. Win Win.
The next day we pulled the green dye back out and applied. We waited.....and waited.....and the results were AMAZING!! Spidey was super excited that his hair was/is green. SuperStar was super excited that it turned out looking so nice - and she wanted to drag him around like a Show & Tell doll - and I was just personally impressed that he wasn't bald!! I had bleached and colored my first head. Maybe the teen years weren't going to be as expensive as I thought!!

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