Thursday, August 30, 2007

Friday Firsts

So I was thinking that a rhyme for Friday would be Firsts - not that they rhyme, but they both start with "F" - making it kinda roll off you tongue. With the start of school we have been brought many Firsts - for both the kiddo's and for BigGuy and I. Here are a few we experienced this week -
* Babers and I joined a moms group here - we met at one of the parks, played, talked to other moms (one being someone we already new, BabyK and her mom). We are getting out and starting to make connections.
* Spidey rode the bus for the first time. He was so ready to ride that he talked SuperStar into riding early. However, when faced with riding by himself today (because SuperStar had an early dentist appointment) he started crying. That quickly got him a ride to school - no mom wants to put her crying son on the bus.
* BigGuy and I joined the local gym. Babers and I went - they have this elaborate child care center where everyone gets a badge and they do story time and a craft for the little kids and an exercise/play program for the older kids. Spidey & SuperStar are begging to go on Sat. - now there is a motivation for parents to get to the gym. Very impressive. Each piece of cardio equipment has it's own TV that you plug your earphones into and control yourself (no more watching sports and Jerry Springer) - it also allows you to tune into local radio stations - this is nice because so far BigGuy and I have lost two nice MP3 players. We just can't be trusted with those things.
* SuperStar passed her first spelling test and the kicker is she did it on the pre-test!! Yea her! She also received two Bobcat Awards - which are given for being a good citizen - this puts her into a drawing for a special prize the principal gives out.
* Open House at the Bobcat School. That was fun - really, everyone is very nice and those that we have become friends with are introducing us to their friends and that is just creating a waterfall of introductions. Plus, apparently if on the volunteer form the teacher sends home you write "I will do whatever you need" it is translated into "I will be the parent organizer for the classroom". I should have known better, but I am a bit excited about doing this - even more parents came up to introduce themselves and it is a "co" position, so there is another parent who will guide me (I hope).
* Spidey has made a new friend in class. Now when he comes home it is "C" this and "C" that. At Open House he made certain that I met "C"'s mom so that we could be friends and he could have play dates with "C".
* BigGuy hurt his foot playing football. Not that we didn't see this coming - football is a dangerous sport even when done with "flags" as this one is. It wasn't anything that required a trip to the doctors - but it was a reinforcer that none of the kids should be encouraged to play (at least for me).
* I made a bunch of cards. They were for a friends bday gift, but still..................I actually sat down and made about 100 cards. Yeah for getting back in the swing of things. Those who have ordered Christmas cards - I will begin them next since I have finally found my creative abilities again.
* Babers is getting a schedule again. Yea!! However, even with regular naps he is a big on the cranky side lately - thanks to the new molars coming in.
* I passed my drivers test and have an IL license now. The test was not nearly as hard as I worked it out to be in my head. Although the people who worked there seemed surprised that I finished it under 10 minutes and still passed. Guess we know where SuperStar gets it.
* The final first is that we actually said "No" to some things. Granted it was more to ourselves - we are just feeling like we aren't spending enough time connecting here where we live now - yet we continue to connect to everything and everyone that are where we used to live. It is confusing - don't want to give up everything there - know that we need to start engaging the friendships and activities we are making here more - we have to set a limit for ourselves and start a forward motion instead of staying in limbo. Although limbo is somewhat nice because it means that we continue to spend as much time as we have with everyone we love & we get to spend time with our new friends - the only down side is the emotional cost ( be continued I suppose).

Have a Wonderful Labor Day Weekend!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Slumber Party Fun!

It was a long night, but it was a fun night and well worth the loss of sleep. We did bracelet crafts - had pizza - swam - beat the candy out of a flower - devoured cake and ice cream (a new flavor, Birthday Cake) - opened gifts - watched a movie and eventually fell asleep. This years group was smaller then last year (13 partiers & 11 slumberers) - but the fun was bigger (or so SuperStar says). Enjoy the pics............and the music (which SuperStar says is perfect for the "feeling" of the fun).

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The week flew by and there was little time to write much about the Very First Day of School! SuperStar was very ready - clothes were out, hair was washed and brushed and her bag was ready by the door. Spidey was a tad more reserved - he was serious looking all morning, he did get ready on time, waited to watch tv until his shoes were on and his bag was ready by the door. We got to school (all 5 of us) and as we walked to the door Spidey took a deep breath and said to SuperStar, "Well Superstar (dramatic pause), this is it" - and off we walked into school.

SuperStar went right into class - we met her teacher and she told her our life story (as you are all familiar). Her teacher is a real gem and made SuperStar feel SuperComfortable immediately. Once she was settled we walked down to Spidey's class. He was coming later for an hour orientation and he Did Not Want to Leave the Building. How his tune changed from leaving the house to entering the school. We did leave though - then we did some errands and the entire time he kept the clock, "We need to get back", "Do you know what time it is", "We better hurry" (we were only gone for 20 minutes and we were still early returning). By the time we really did leave he was so excited about school that he decided he was riding the bus the next day - and - after talking his sister into it (because she prefers the Princess Treatment of being dropped off) they did just that. The next morning they road the bus (which stops at the end of our driveway!!!).
Look for "Tales of the Bobcats" on the side panel - I will keep you all updated on the little funnies that happen at school. Like when I asked Spidey if he made any friends on Friday. His response was to say, "Well, I am workin on it, but those kids won't stop playing long enough to listen to me."

Thursday, August 23, 2007

In my dream, the angel shrugged & said,
If we fail this time, it will be a failure of imagination &
then she placed the world gently in the palm of my hand.
- StoryPeople

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Baber - The Fickle Pickle Boy

It was pointed out that we have not given spotlight to our youngest family member yet - so here we go...................Babers loves many things - however, he is very fickle and things must be done specific ways. Here are his Top 10 favs -

10) Grapes - he loves to eat grapes, but if they are cut in two he will stick his nose up at you - preferring to have them whole so he can immediately bite them in two (sigh).

9) Being outside - often he is left at the door as it closes and he cries and cries.

8) Sitting in his big kid chair at our new table - he can climb up into the chair himself. He doesn't even mind the buckling.

7) Throwing things - his cup, his food, his toys, doesn't matter - if he is in a mood he will toss the cup and he has great aim. We are teaching him sign language since he refuses to use words that are helpful yet.

6) Snuggling - he loves to sit on your lap with a good cup of milk and a cinnamon graham cracker. Doesn't matter if you are reading or watching a house flip show - he will lean back and babble about it.

5) Jumping - preferably on the trampoline, but he loves to jump in the house too - directly on his tush and the hard floor - you would think this hurts, but our guess is the diaper helps.

4) Running into the street - it is a good thing we don't have much traffic - but this is also why he often finds himself on the unhappy side of a closed door.

3) Walking by himself - he loves to be out and walking - only, he doesn't care much to walk in whatever direction you are going - which is why most of his free body walking is done in the house. Hello trusty stroller for public events.

2) Cookies - he will even say this word without prompts (Doggie too) and he will sign "more" for this without prompts - he has even signed "please" when I wasn't quick enough - but know that the signs are generally asked for in most instances - for cookies though he will jump through any request.

1) Elmo - his number one love is Elmo, yet he will only watch him in an "Elmo's World" episode - any other way and he has little interest. As a cute doll we purchased - nada - thrown to Jake the dog for a toy (we saved him) - but sing Elmo's theme song and you have Babers heart and undivided attention.
There are many other things that we love about our fickle baby Babers. These are just a few.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Walter's House

Good news ~ The neighbors are starting to come out and talk to us - Yea!! BigGuy is on vacation this week. We debated - go somewhere (meaning pack everything that we just unpacked, due to the move, up into suitcases then pack the car - squish the kids in and go somewhere (wait, does that sound too blatantly like I was against that idea?). We could stay around here, knock out some of the "To Do's" and other "Wanna Do's" (like today BigGuy installed a trashcan into one of our cabinets so it isn't sitting out at the end of the island anymore - ultra cool!! wait, I guess that gives away our choice). Yes, we are staying home. We planted almost all the plants that we brought up here with us - there are 10 to go and by noon today it was awful hot and we stopped (that is when the trash can happened). So.....while we are putting in the plants we begin to work out an idea of our landscaping for the future. I am a big perennial fan and we are careful with our pennies so that means a little at a time each year over the years to complete the yard I would like. As we looked around I mentioned that mimicking our neighbors house (the one with the pool for those who have visited) by using some of the same shrubs and plants we could create a feeling of semblance and a look of a kinda Entry from that road into the neighborhood. Only, we couldn't identify any of their shrubs - so I went over and asked. The newest met neighbor is very nice. She told me the shrubs name - offered help with any planting advice (they have a pretty yard) and then we fell into talking a bit (not too long because BigGuy was over in our yard digging still). This is how I found out about Walter's House.

Walter's House is our house. Now we have heard about Walter - only the one we heard about is Little Walter apparently. He threw a golf club and hit another child (who still lives here) in the head - great huh? He was also apparently all over the place and not the most desired playmate by the other parents. I told our newest neighbor that I had heard of Walter. She said whatever I heard times that by 3 and that is how awful he was - only it turns out she was talking about the dad. I can only say that apparently he was so blind to others feelings - like when said neighbor and her hubby were planting trees one day Walter came over, brought a lawn chair and a glass of iced tea (for himself only) and sat and watched the two of them plant the trees. Not helped, but watched. The neighbor next to us on the other side apparently contacted the Sheriff to find out what repercussions he would incur if he shot Walters dogs who barked all the time and were left outside even though Walter was asked to remedy the situation. Can you imagine? The neighbor apologized for having failed to greet us earlier, but she said that the negative feelings left from having Walter as a neighbor kinda kept her away. Then, later in the day, when I was talking with the wives of a contractor we phoned (we are looking to finish the basement) she said that they "lovingly" (supposedly) referred to our house as Walters House (meaning the son). So we live in Walter's House and it ain't a good thing. We are going to have to work hard to change it so everyone refers to our house by our name - and they want to come visit.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

1 is Great, but 2 is Better!

We had two visits this weekend. First our friends, The C's, stopped for an overnight on their way back to MO. A treat for us and lots of fun for the kids. We spent the evening eating Thai food, going to a neighborhood park that boasts a way cool water playground (although it turned off as soon as we got there - not seeming to hinder the kids at all) and then snacks at home and bedtime. They left pretty quick in the morning - but after more then a week away from home we didn't blame them. We were just happy to have them even for a moment...............

Once Wave One of the guests left we prepared for Wave Two - Our Nanny!!!! Almost as soon as we had fresh sheets on the guest bed she was pulling up. We kept her busy for two days - first we did some Back to School clothes shopping (her favorite tradition) - then we hit the cake store for an early birthday celebration for SuperStar (soon to be 8) - then to the Dollar Store for Spidey - then we went back to the park we tried to get to the night before and we were 30 minutes earlier and had better luck - then home for the celebration. The next day we started over. Nanny was sweet enough to watch the kids while we checked out gyms (yea! we get to start exercising again - they have a really nice place here too) - then we took her to the eerie windmills (although she didn't share the sentiment and totally dug them and what they are all about) and the two big colleges - then we finished up with some family time. It was quite a fast weekend and when the kids were polled they voted every bit of it fun (except the tour in the car - I think this is getting old to them, in fact SuperStar slept through most of it).

Another Great Weekend.

The Disco Suit

Now, keep in mind that the fashion designer who created this has NOOOOOOOO idea what Disco is and has no recollection of what Disco was. It was explained to the designer that Disco is a way of life in the past - a dance style - a way to chill or feel the funk (I looked these terms up, I am a child of the 80's not the 70's) - Disco is an era. The designer rolled their eyes at me and pushed forward declaring that Disco was a Fashion that SHE created!!! (I do remember indignant force being placed on the "she created" part). And with no further pause - we give you.....

The Disco Suit

We are waiting with baited breath for your orders............

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

How the Carney's ran away with BigGuy's Wallet

Last Thursday we went to the County Fair. Personally I have never been to a county fair, unless watching Charlotte's Web counts (which I guess it doesn't). I don't believe BigGuy had ever been either. Although once we got there I did recognize all the rides - in fact, I believe those are the same rides that we were riding in high school - the exact same rides, so we veered away from the more daring ones - for safety you know. Now, many of you have probably been to a fair and you know that there are animals. We kinda knew, but still most of us were surprised. The 4H stuff was cool. I saw lots of things that our kids could do and put into a competition (if they so choose to in the future). There were also horses - which made SuperStar continue to think it was plausible that we would buy her a horse that she could ride privately. We continue to tell her this is not going to happen unless she makes it happen by becoming financially independent. Granted - we could win the lottery (if we bought tickets), but we still won't be buying a horse. We might get a pool (another dream of theirs and mine), but not a horse. Anyway - they also had chickens. We hadn't realized that there were so many varieties of chickens. We listened for awhile as the announcer discussed the chickens - not as interesting as looking at the chickens.

Then the kids entered an ice cream eating contest. This was fun - and it also showed me that our kids do have more manners then I give them credit for. Each child (there were about 30ish) was given a big scoop of ice cream. Although we were told the portions were equal - clearly they weren't. The older kids figured this out and grabbed smaller portions. My kids saw bigger portions and though, "Yum" and bellied up to those. The announcer (quietest kid there) said "Go" and Spidey immediately began to eat - one small spoonful at a time - SuperStar did too, then looked around at the quickness of others and began going faster - Spidey noticed too and simply picked the bowl up and put it in his face to eat - the big kids ate their one spoon portions in a second - SuperStar saw this and feigned brain freeze (there was not enough ice cream in the dish to cause brain freeze, plus most of it was melted, however, finding a reason to not have won seemed to help her deal). Since Spidey's head was in his bowl he didn't realize it was over and just kept licking. In the end everyone was happy - everyone got a 4H clover pencil - and everyone ate ice cream (how can eating ice cream end badly?).

Oh, this was about how the Carnies got BigGuy's wallet. Well, before going to the fair we told each kid (minus Babers) that they could have $5 to spend. They have been very good lately. BigGuys job provided us with cheap tickets and cheap passes to go on rides without limitations - so it was a cheap date. While there the kids wanted to spend their money on just about everything. Then they saw the games. While there we met up with some friends, the D's. They have two kiddo's, BabyC (remember her? Babers is infatuated with her) and BigJ (who is 4 and smallish, you will need that visual later). We rode all the rides the kids could handle - okay, honestly, we rode all the rides the parents could stand in the heat for - and were ready to leave. SuperStar had broken her shoe (the second that day, the other pair being a favorite one - so she was a bit upset). As we left they spotted one of those Carney games where you shoot the stream of water into the hole and it makes the race figure go up. There was a boy waiting for more players. SuperStar wanted to play, Spidey wanted to play, BigGuy opened the Bank of Dad (as the Carney called it - $2) and BigJ wanted to play. They all lined up, pulled the trigger and the kid who was originally there took the prize. SuperStar looked over at BigGuy and immediately started crying. The Carney woman looked upset and tried to sooth things over. We knew SuperStar was having a hard time due to shoe breaking and ice cream contest loss. Trying to make it better we decided to let them play again ($2). Spidey & SuperStar - figuring that Spidey would lose and take it better then his sister did. He won. He got a cute stuffed dog. She cried harder. The Carney made up a second prize and found a smaller stuffed animal for her - a penguin. She cried harder. I stepped up and played her ($2). Magically she won. The Carney, seeming genuinely happy and relieved took out her choice of two cute stuffed puppies. SuperStar looked at them, turned up her nose, pointed to the giant purple Unicorn and said, "I would rather have that." The Carney didn't love her that much and rehanded her the choice of two cute puppies - which she took. Now all is good and we begin to walk away - only BigJ starts to cry. Both Spidey & SuperStar have cute puppies and he doesn't. So his mom took her position at the game and plays him ($2, but theirs not ours). Magically he wins (with the help of his dad) - he gets a cute stuffed puppy and then turns to his mom and trash talks her about how he won and she lost. Geesh - our kids!! After all this competition we decided to buy $4 sodas and $2 snow cones. And that is how our cheap date became a bit more expensive - oh, plus we had to buy SuperStar new shoes - which meant Spidey got a pair, BigGuy got a pair, I got a pair (Babers had just purchased two new pairs the day before) - then SuperStar wanted another pair because Babers got two new pairs - which meant Spidey wanted a pair - then - well, you understand.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Eeerie, but cool

A few weekends ago we went to see the Windmills that are out just outside of the city we live in. There are hundreds of them - you can see them far off from a distance and then the first few times (once with the kids and once with my mom) we got just close enough to see how huge they are - and then got creeped out enough to drive away. When we had some down time BigGuy, the kids and I all drove out to them. Something I had not noticed was you can drive right up to them, park and walk around. Having been creeped out in prior trips I didn't notice this. BigGuy however, drove right up and even attempted to park next to it - at which I pointed out my seemingly logical fear that the propellers would fall off crushing us all - or at least the car. I hind sight I realize that since they were moving they would probably have fallen out away from their post and probably crushed the van where it was - heck, they are so huge they would probably have fallen and crushed our van regardless of where we parked. Anyway, these babies are just hanging out in the middle of the corn and soy - creating electricity - they are quiet for the most part. Although, on the day we were there the breeze was very low and whenever it did pick up and the propellers would start to move more quickly you could hear the groaning and you could see them bow to the winds pressure. Pretty cool.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Funny Mom Songs

This was sent to me by a friend today - it is very funny to the kids and I because this is exactly what I do to diffuse moments of extreme "child behaviors" - just sing whatever is being told to them and it distracts them enough that they either giggle and end the whining or roll their eyes and go away. While I prefer the giggling - as long as they aren't whining the going away is fine too.

To turn the music off just go down to the music bar and turn it off. That way you will not have battling music and can hear the funny song.

Scooby Snacks (for Jakey)

Although most of our family was excited for Jakey to stay at the nice doggie day spa while we were in St. Louis - I knew what it really was - a kennel and I have been feeling like we need to do nice things for Jakey to make up for it (although the people there said he LOVED IT - and he did seems very happy, healthy and undamaged - I would recommend that dog retreat and we may have to use it again). Back to the story - some of the nice things that we have been doing for our favorite pup is brushing him, giving him turkey bacon in the morning when we have it, taking him for a walk (although he takes us and we are trying to train him better at this) and making him his favorite oatmeal cookies (a recipe his foster mom gave us when we adopted him) - the kids were calling them Scooby Snacks and then changed it to Jakey Snacks. They were super easy to make and he appears to love them because they are so tasty - which is the funny part.

See....Spidey and SuperStar (oh, I mean MegaBoy and Wonder) helped to bake these. All three of the SuperHero's (Super Dahdah included) helped in the mixing, scooping and baking - well Babers mostly just ate the batter (this was safe because the recipe is primarily a normal cookie with less sugar and a tad more oats and flour). After the were baked we cooled one, gave it to Jake (who swooshed it away and then gobbled it down - coming right back for another) and then put the rest up for later. The next day MegaBoy wanted to give Jake a treat - he had been good all morning with our ride to summer camp and just being good (the rides are another new treat because of the doggie day spa). I gave MegaBoy a treat and he took it to Jake. Immediately Jake was in the kitchen begging for another. MegaBoy came in and took another to give to Jake and then went into the other room where I heard MegaBoy telling Jake to "sit", then "good boy", then "shake", then "good boy", then Jake was right back in the kitchen for another - MegaBoy behind him chewing!! I asked MegaBoy if he was eating the Jakey Snack and he nodded - then I asked if he had given any to Jake and he shook his head "No". So he had been taking the cookies, having Jake do the tricks and then eating the treat in front of the poor dog. I asked him why and he simply said, "Because they are really good and I like them." He seemed baffled that I would wonder why he was eating the cookies I was giving him and just as baffled that Jake was supposed to get the whole thing. He even offered to split the next on in half with Jake!! So we now have our own Scooby and our own Shaggy.