Thursday, August 30, 2007

Friday Firsts

So I was thinking that a rhyme for Friday would be Firsts - not that they rhyme, but they both start with "F" - making it kinda roll off you tongue. With the start of school we have been brought many Firsts - for both the kiddo's and for BigGuy and I. Here are a few we experienced this week -
* Babers and I joined a moms group here - we met at one of the parks, played, talked to other moms (one being someone we already new, BabyK and her mom). We are getting out and starting to make connections.
* Spidey rode the bus for the first time. He was so ready to ride that he talked SuperStar into riding early. However, when faced with riding by himself today (because SuperStar had an early dentist appointment) he started crying. That quickly got him a ride to school - no mom wants to put her crying son on the bus.
* BigGuy and I joined the local gym. Babers and I went - they have this elaborate child care center where everyone gets a badge and they do story time and a craft for the little kids and an exercise/play program for the older kids. Spidey & SuperStar are begging to go on Sat. - now there is a motivation for parents to get to the gym. Very impressive. Each piece of cardio equipment has it's own TV that you plug your earphones into and control yourself (no more watching sports and Jerry Springer) - it also allows you to tune into local radio stations - this is nice because so far BigGuy and I have lost two nice MP3 players. We just can't be trusted with those things.
* SuperStar passed her first spelling test and the kicker is she did it on the pre-test!! Yea her! She also received two Bobcat Awards - which are given for being a good citizen - this puts her into a drawing for a special prize the principal gives out.
* Open House at the Bobcat School. That was fun - really, everyone is very nice and those that we have become friends with are introducing us to their friends and that is just creating a waterfall of introductions. Plus, apparently if on the volunteer form the teacher sends home you write "I will do whatever you need" it is translated into "I will be the parent organizer for the classroom". I should have known better, but I am a bit excited about doing this - even more parents came up to introduce themselves and it is a "co" position, so there is another parent who will guide me (I hope).
* Spidey has made a new friend in class. Now when he comes home it is "C" this and "C" that. At Open House he made certain that I met "C"'s mom so that we could be friends and he could have play dates with "C".
* BigGuy hurt his foot playing football. Not that we didn't see this coming - football is a dangerous sport even when done with "flags" as this one is. It wasn't anything that required a trip to the doctors - but it was a reinforcer that none of the kids should be encouraged to play (at least for me).
* I made a bunch of cards. They were for a friends bday gift, but still..................I actually sat down and made about 100 cards. Yeah for getting back in the swing of things. Those who have ordered Christmas cards - I will begin them next since I have finally found my creative abilities again.
* Babers is getting a schedule again. Yea!! However, even with regular naps he is a big on the cranky side lately - thanks to the new molars coming in.
* I passed my drivers test and have an IL license now. The test was not nearly as hard as I worked it out to be in my head. Although the people who worked there seemed surprised that I finished it under 10 minutes and still passed. Guess we know where SuperStar gets it.
* The final first is that we actually said "No" to some things. Granted it was more to ourselves - we are just feeling like we aren't spending enough time connecting here where we live now - yet we continue to connect to everything and everyone that are where we used to live. It is confusing - don't want to give up everything there - know that we need to start engaging the friendships and activities we are making here more - we have to set a limit for ourselves and start a forward motion instead of staying in limbo. Although limbo is somewhat nice because it means that we continue to spend as much time as we have with everyone we love & we get to spend time with our new friends - the only down side is the emotional cost ( be continued I suppose).

Have a Wonderful Labor Day Weekend!!

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