Sunday, August 26, 2007

The week flew by and there was little time to write much about the Very First Day of School! SuperStar was very ready - clothes were out, hair was washed and brushed and her bag was ready by the door. Spidey was a tad more reserved - he was serious looking all morning, he did get ready on time, waited to watch tv until his shoes were on and his bag was ready by the door. We got to school (all 5 of us) and as we walked to the door Spidey took a deep breath and said to SuperStar, "Well Superstar (dramatic pause), this is it" - and off we walked into school.

SuperStar went right into class - we met her teacher and she told her our life story (as you are all familiar). Her teacher is a real gem and made SuperStar feel SuperComfortable immediately. Once she was settled we walked down to Spidey's class. He was coming later for an hour orientation and he Did Not Want to Leave the Building. How his tune changed from leaving the house to entering the school. We did leave though - then we did some errands and the entire time he kept the clock, "We need to get back", "Do you know what time it is", "We better hurry" (we were only gone for 20 minutes and we were still early returning). By the time we really did leave he was so excited about school that he decided he was riding the bus the next day - and - after talking his sister into it (because she prefers the Princess Treatment of being dropped off) they did just that. The next morning they road the bus (which stops at the end of our driveway!!!).
Look for "Tales of the Bobcats" on the side panel - I will keep you all updated on the little funnies that happen at school. Like when I asked Spidey if he made any friends on Friday. His response was to say, "Well, I am workin on it, but those kids won't stop playing long enough to listen to me."

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