Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Scooby Snacks (for Jakey)

Although most of our family was excited for Jakey to stay at the nice doggie day spa while we were in St. Louis - I knew what it really was - a kennel and I have been feeling like we need to do nice things for Jakey to make up for it (although the people there said he LOVED IT - and he did seems very happy, healthy and undamaged - I would recommend that dog retreat and we may have to use it again). Back to the story - some of the nice things that we have been doing for our favorite pup is brushing him, giving him turkey bacon in the morning when we have it, taking him for a walk (although he takes us and we are trying to train him better at this) and making him his favorite oatmeal cookies (a recipe his foster mom gave us when we adopted him) - the kids were calling them Scooby Snacks and then changed it to Jakey Snacks. They were super easy to make and he appears to love them because they are so tasty - which is the funny part.

See....Spidey and SuperStar (oh, I mean MegaBoy and Wonder) helped to bake these. All three of the SuperHero's (Super Dahdah included) helped in the mixing, scooping and baking - well Babers mostly just ate the batter (this was safe because the recipe is primarily a normal cookie with less sugar and a tad more oats and flour). After the were baked we cooled one, gave it to Jake (who swooshed it away and then gobbled it down - coming right back for another) and then put the rest up for later. The next day MegaBoy wanted to give Jake a treat - he had been good all morning with our ride to summer camp and just being good (the rides are another new treat because of the doggie day spa). I gave MegaBoy a treat and he took it to Jake. Immediately Jake was in the kitchen begging for another. MegaBoy came in and took another to give to Jake and then went into the other room where I heard MegaBoy telling Jake to "sit", then "good boy", then "shake", then "good boy", then Jake was right back in the kitchen for another - MegaBoy behind him chewing!! I asked MegaBoy if he was eating the Jakey Snack and he nodded - then I asked if he had given any to Jake and he shook his head "No". So he had been taking the cookies, having Jake do the tricks and then eating the treat in front of the poor dog. I asked him why and he simply said, "Because they are really good and I like them." He seemed baffled that I would wonder why he was eating the cookies I was giving him and just as baffled that Jake was supposed to get the whole thing. He even offered to split the next on in half with Jake!! So we now have our own Scooby and our own Shaggy.

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