Monday, August 13, 2007

Walter's House

Good news ~ The neighbors are starting to come out and talk to us - Yea!! BigGuy is on vacation this week. We debated - go somewhere (meaning pack everything that we just unpacked, due to the move, up into suitcases then pack the car - squish the kids in and go somewhere (wait, does that sound too blatantly like I was against that idea?). We could stay around here, knock out some of the "To Do's" and other "Wanna Do's" (like today BigGuy installed a trashcan into one of our cabinets so it isn't sitting out at the end of the island anymore - ultra cool!! wait, I guess that gives away our choice). Yes, we are staying home. We planted almost all the plants that we brought up here with us - there are 10 to go and by noon today it was awful hot and we stopped (that is when the trash can happened). So.....while we are putting in the plants we begin to work out an idea of our landscaping for the future. I am a big perennial fan and we are careful with our pennies so that means a little at a time each year over the years to complete the yard I would like. As we looked around I mentioned that mimicking our neighbors house (the one with the pool for those who have visited) by using some of the same shrubs and plants we could create a feeling of semblance and a look of a kinda Entry from that road into the neighborhood. Only, we couldn't identify any of their shrubs - so I went over and asked. The newest met neighbor is very nice. She told me the shrubs name - offered help with any planting advice (they have a pretty yard) and then we fell into talking a bit (not too long because BigGuy was over in our yard digging still). This is how I found out about Walter's House.

Walter's House is our house. Now we have heard about Walter - only the one we heard about is Little Walter apparently. He threw a golf club and hit another child (who still lives here) in the head - great huh? He was also apparently all over the place and not the most desired playmate by the other parents. I told our newest neighbor that I had heard of Walter. She said whatever I heard times that by 3 and that is how awful he was - only it turns out she was talking about the dad. I can only say that apparently he was so blind to others feelings - like when said neighbor and her hubby were planting trees one day Walter came over, brought a lawn chair and a glass of iced tea (for himself only) and sat and watched the two of them plant the trees. Not helped, but watched. The neighbor next to us on the other side apparently contacted the Sheriff to find out what repercussions he would incur if he shot Walters dogs who barked all the time and were left outside even though Walter was asked to remedy the situation. Can you imagine? The neighbor apologized for having failed to greet us earlier, but she said that the negative feelings left from having Walter as a neighbor kinda kept her away. Then, later in the day, when I was talking with the wives of a contractor we phoned (we are looking to finish the basement) she said that they "lovingly" (supposedly) referred to our house as Walters House (meaning the son). So we live in Walter's House and it ain't a good thing. We are going to have to work hard to change it so everyone refers to our house by our name - and they want to come visit.

1 comment:

Household Executive said...

I know you can change that stigma! You are such a warm and friendly family!