Sunday, August 12, 2007

1 is Great, but 2 is Better!

We had two visits this weekend. First our friends, The C's, stopped for an overnight on their way back to MO. A treat for us and lots of fun for the kids. We spent the evening eating Thai food, going to a neighborhood park that boasts a way cool water playground (although it turned off as soon as we got there - not seeming to hinder the kids at all) and then snacks at home and bedtime. They left pretty quick in the morning - but after more then a week away from home we didn't blame them. We were just happy to have them even for a moment...............

Once Wave One of the guests left we prepared for Wave Two - Our Nanny!!!! Almost as soon as we had fresh sheets on the guest bed she was pulling up. We kept her busy for two days - first we did some Back to School clothes shopping (her favorite tradition) - then we hit the cake store for an early birthday celebration for SuperStar (soon to be 8) - then to the Dollar Store for Spidey - then we went back to the park we tried to get to the night before and we were 30 minutes earlier and had better luck - then home for the celebration. The next day we started over. Nanny was sweet enough to watch the kids while we checked out gyms (yea! we get to start exercising again - they have a really nice place here too) - then we took her to the eerie windmills (although she didn't share the sentiment and totally dug them and what they are all about) and the two big colleges - then we finished up with some family time. It was quite a fast weekend and when the kids were polled they voted every bit of it fun (except the tour in the car - I think this is getting old to them, in fact SuperStar slept through most of it).

Another Great Weekend.

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