Monday, September 10, 2007

Well, the weather was nice............

This past weekend was much different then we planned. Our orignial plan was to have the Papa's come visit, we were going to have our first school friend play dates, we were going on a family bike ride and we were going to check out a neighboring towns festival. We didn't do those things - any of them. Through the week 4 out of 5 of us had a stomach bug. The bug chose to torture us all in different ways and it continues to linger with all of us, but it hit SuperStar the hardest and the last - thus transforming our weekend. No one wants to visit sick people with stomach problems (except maybe the other people we knew who had it - and they probably didn't want to be in the car for a long time away from a bathroom). So our visitors rescheduled. You know - now that I reflect back they really did miss out. There was this really exciting moment Friday night where Babers made a huge gooshie, disgusting smelling mess in his pants - I asked BigGuy to pleeeeaase take care of it because my stomach had still not fully recovered and smells like that make me lose it - only just as BigGuy did take over (because he is a wonderful man - I wish everyone a BigGuy like mine), Spidey rushed in and said, his words, "SuperStar is making a big mess in the hallway" - like she should be in trouble - so we peek out of Babers room to see what she is doing and she is vomiting - quickly I asked BigGuy to switch me responsiblities because I knew the smelly mess was better then the vomit. He did (again - have I told you how wonderful he is???). The rest of the weekend SuperStar sat on the couch and watched movies. Spidey and Babers got undivided attention doing things around the house - and sharing the movies that were rented for SuperStar. I did little things that I have been meaning to do forever (like put pictures in the bill organizer we bought a year ago and organize a few other things), make chicken soup and all our other meals (well except the one from Culver's on Friday - which didn't go over well with most of us - thus the Chicken Soup). Thankfully the weather was nice - so we had the windows open all weekend getting some of those germs out.

BigGuy though did something that I thought was even more amazing and beautiful then dealing with vomit. Now, remember I love to organize things - especially closets! As you enter our house there are two closets in the vestibule (yes, we have one of these). We don't have that many coats so one of them is really a wasted space. Awhile back he asked me to draw a picture the way I wanted one of our front closet to look. I did - and he built it. It is beautiful. The bottom is a large three drawer cabinet - flanked on both sides by a small amount of storage for umbrellas and our music class stuff - then the middle section is three cubbies for all the kids school stuff. My heart is now beating with joy just thinking about it because this means that the school stuff is no longer going to be as scattered around(I use the word "as" because I am realistic that things still will be scattered a bit - we are talking 3 kids). Then the top portion is a shelf for odds and ends. It is gorgeous and it was worth the stomach flu to cause us to be home to do it. The corn festival will happen again next year - heck it happens in an other town next weekend, plus a pumpkin festival (beat that Pagan Festival). The Papa's rescheduled so no loss there - when they visit we can share the joy of our beautiful new closet with them. Most likely they will just stand in the vestibule the whole time and think amazing thoughts about BigGuy . I know, because that is where I have been all day.

Enjoy the pics.

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