Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Someone help this Baby.........pleeeeaaase!

Yes, he is the third child - Yes, he gets lots of attention - Yes, he is sometimes shuffled about even though he gets lots of attention - Yes, he is ultra cute - Yes, he is ultra smart - Yes, he is mega snugly - However............................he can throw a tantrum like neither Spidey nor Superstar could ever have imagined. Babers is having issues with "endings". The end of anything he is enjoying will cause him to flip out. End of a song, end of a book, end of a game, end of a segment of Sesame Street (which is a lot of ends in an hour), any end. He loves to play with the train set, but insists on pushing the train from behind - causing the train to kinda crumple, causing Babers to freak and start launching the train pieces as though he were a giant alien tossing about helpless train cars through the universe (I find then all over the basement - Jake does too which he then chews up like a giant alien eating helpless train cars). These tantrums we have been able to watch, comfort, deal with and move on - some are even kinda funny, like when he throws a fit while buckled in his car seat - he grabs his foot and using his hands will hit himself in the head with his foot - not enough velocity to really hurt him. Today he upped the anti. Not happy about something (we hung up the phone after talking to BigGuy) he was screaming and tears were streaming. Then he leaned over and whacked his head on the wood floor - threw himself to the ground - rolled over to look at me (without an audience it just isn't as worth it I suppose). When I offered to hold him he kinda came toward me, walked up two steps on the staircase and then kinda threw himself back down the steps - he did it carefully, but you could tell he was trying to make me jump. I did. I ended up holding him on the couch watching Sesame Street....................................He won.

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