Monday, September 24, 2007


This past weekend we did something that SuperStar has been begging to do for months. Amazingly we have lived here long enough to say "months" now. In July three horses moved in down the road. SuperStar has been working on a way to meet those horses since she saw them. We took Jake for a walk and I figured we would be able to see them from a distance, perhaps meet the owner and maybe the next time get invited to meet the horses. Nope, we were called to by MM (the owner) as she stood in the barn and then immediately whooshed in (Jake and all), the stalls swung open and food given to us to feed all three. It was very exciting. MM was very genuine, nice and outgoing. She made us feel welcome and happy to be there - and we left with the same feeling. SuperStar arrived home with Horses twinkling in her eyes and she was splendid to her brothers - even took Babers out to swing in his new swing. The reason she did this was because she was so excited, so happy and was treated so nicely by MM. In reference to that feeling my sis-in-law posted a video (which is the next post down) that is all about sharing your "Light" - or rather, Shining Your Light - and positively effecting another person so that they walk away and do the same for another person. Creating a water fall of positive interactions and effecting many people from just one act of kindness. When I think of MM in reference to the video I can't help but think about all of you. How you check on us, the calls to keep in touch, the emails, the visits, helping us adjust, or those who are here where we live who have made us feel so welcome and happy to be here, our neighborhood, school, groups we have joined - everyone of them being a very positive experience. All of this makes us want to be certain to share positives with you and others we encounter - make them leave our presence feeling uplifted, happy, liked and loved.

To hear the music in the video please remember to pause the music in the side bar.

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