Monday, September 17, 2007

My Apologies to SuperStar

I must make a public apology to SuperStar. Last spring when we were making the move to our new home SuperStar (and the rest of us) had a large amount of anxiety about leaving our home in St. Louis. Some of this came out for her through multiple visits to the nurses office at school. She bumped something, something ached so badly she should to home, she was sure she had a fever. Once I came to pick her up because she had her teacher totally convinced she had a stomach bug. I didn't think she looked too bad, but she had been laying in the reading area moaning - so I took her home. As soon as we were in the van she opened up her lunch box and gobbled down everything that was in it. So medical drama is something that she has a history with (not the McDreamy kind). About two weeks ago the boys and I all had a tiny stomach bug. Kept us from eating really big or rich things, but didn't keep us down or come with fever or anything like that. That Friday SuperStar was sent home from school. She appeared sheepish and didn't really seem too terribly sick, but through the weekend she didn't eat much at all, slept a lot and generally kept a low profile. On Monday she asked to stay home and I figured better safe then sorry. However, once back at school on Tuesday I received a call that she didn't feel well and wanted to come home - I talked to her and she still hadn't eaten anything that day, I encouraged her to eat, she did and then started to feel better and stayed at school. Now - because of that I figured the whole thing was probably dramatized - until I got it. Whatever the boys and I had held absolutely no candle at all to what SuperStar had. It was awful. Like her I laid on the couch for four days and did not eat more then toast each day. By Saturday I felt better and could eat some, but still felt nauseous and exhausted. Heck, I still feel like I am recovering. I completely underestimated the pain she was in and have since realized that she was probably even being a trouper with the way she dealt with it. So..............I am so very sorry were Super Sick!!

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