Sunday, September 30, 2007

St. Louis City Museum Party.......

What happened to yesterday? I swear to goodness that we woke up around 6:30am, ate breakfast together, but after that all I remember is falling asleep........wait, there were lots of our loved ones, cake, my legs are sore from climbing and sliding, I remember looking for kids a lot, there were nicely wrapped packages, a band and some games at a street party, crying in a car - it is coming back.....yesterday we traveled to St. Louis to celebrate Spidey's birthday with our family and friends. We started at the City Museum - if you haven't been there plan a trip, but don't try to do it all in 2 1/2 hours (although we did succeed in doing much of it - thanks to non-stop moving children). We tackled the outside climbing area (some of us with shaking knees) - then an interesting room that the kids ran all around - onto the caves where you could start underground and make you way all the way up the catacombs and then slide down shoots that were originally usedn a shoe factory (did you know that?) - and then into the original water and climbing area (where JB kinda almost got stuck in a section). After that we caravaned to the Gerstner's house and they hosted us as we did Pinata (because it ain't a party until you beat candy out of something), had cake, opened gifts and shared some down time together. It was a ton of fun. After the party ended we stayed a bit so BigGuy could help with some car troubles - while he did that we went to a nearby street celebration for the Garden District and enjoyed some games, food and music. What a nice end. We were actually home by 9pm and in bed by 9:30pm - Whoosh..........what a day!!

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