Friday, February 1, 2008

10 1/2"

It is still snowing outside and we have TONS of snow now! Most likely we are topped out, but maybe we will get a smidge more. The only down fall to all this - our district has a generated system that phones us at home to tell us if school is cancelled - they phoned at 5:41am, 6:04am and then again at 6:24am - so we ended up not sleeping in and getting up super early.

Enjoy the Snow!!!


Me said...

I taped a note on the floor outside the boys room that said, "Julien NO SCHOOL TODAY <3 MOM" He really got a kick out of it. I heard him read the note aloud then say, "Yes, Marcus I don't have school today! Let's go watch tv!" I got to sleep another half hour which was nice.

HalfPint said...

Snow rocks - but they were wrong - we got 12 1/2" - I shoveled 1/3 of the driveway and I know, plus, seriously, I got a ruler out.

Household Executive said...

whose house is that? i thought yours was blue? i am jealous! we only got 3"

Morgan said...

Officially, StL city got 8.5 inches. A.J. got his snowblower out and cleared most all the side walks on the block. The postlady loved it! and so did we.


HalfPint said...

That is the neighbors house across the street. I took it before we got out and did the "snow" thing.