Thursday, January 31, 2008


Priorities - I am not even going to look this word up so that I don't have to look at what it really means.

Okay, I know what it really means - but sometimes it is really hard to have priorities and to acknowledge them and then feel okay with ignoring them.

One of our priorities is to have a clean house - it looks clean as long as you don't look at the bottom of your white socks. Does ignoring the bottom of our white socks make us not in line with our priorities.
Get to the point you say?

Okay, one of my kids had told me things about a first kiss!!! My priority is to abide by my childs wishes to not tell people because it is private - meaning I have to keep all of this a secret because if I tell (and I did tell the mom of the other child because I thought she would want to know about this Big Deal) most likely it will set a precidence of how much she can trust me and I will be cut off from other secrets. BigGuy doesn't have any problem not sharing this - he is a saint (whatever). My thought is - it is so cute and sweet - it is shocking and I need therapy through my friends because one of my babies is starting to get kisses!!!. Yet, I can't tell the story because I want to travel through the teen years being trusted and hearing about their turbulant teenage lives. So I won't blog about what happened the first time one of our children was kissed.

This is seriously killing me. I will not tell though.


Household Executive said...

okay, you can't tell half the story! not fair! why is she already getting kissed?

HalfPint said...

The previous message was approved by the child in question - but on a blog that is all I can do.