Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Do You Know Your Neighbors?

In an area where there are 192 churches (I googled it - although some of the names of the churches left me wondering if they are legit) for approximately 150,000 people (googled this too and the closest stat is from 2007) - I find myself a tad surprised to hear that there will be a Nudist Fall Festival in the area. As I drove to drop off my youngest at preschool today I was amazingly allowed to listen to the radio - without Bear in the Big Blue House playing!! And on the radio was an announcement/discussion of an upcoming even in our area. A Fall Festival Nudist Gathering - complete with a Bon Fire!!

Now lets stop for a minute and envision the (most likely) guy who will be leaveing his twig and berries completely uncovered as he stand in front of that fire and stokes it. What will happen when a spark hits him?

Now........getting past the hilarity that there will be a nudist fall gathering in an area that is stock full of people who would probably not think it appropriate (my guess)...........after the people on the radio kinda made fun of the whole thing a woman phoned in. She lives right here in the area. She went on and on about how wonderful the life of a nudist is - that they are raising their kiddos to be nudists too - that they walk around their house all the time naked - that the only time they really have clothes on is when they are out of the house. She didn't say what I wanted to know - her name - what school her kids go to - where she or her hubby work - or where they live..........

............because maybe they are one of MY neighbors..........I would totally want to sell them cookies!


Anonymous said...

I think it's kind of cold to have a nudist gathering & bonfire this time of year. It might enhance the women's looks, but I think it would make the men look...shall we say...less outstanding. I take it that these are the kind of people who don't mind seeing their co-workers at the pool....


HalfPint said...

oh man........I don't mind seeing people at the pool......does this mean that eventually I will be naked around the house!? BigGuy can only Hope for stuff like that!

Franchesca said...

Dear Abby once responded to a husband who was concerned that his brand new bride would go to bed nude, wake up, shower, dry off and then proceed to cook breakfast and then eat in the nude. She didn't get dressed until she had to leave the house for the day. He wanted to know if this was "OK". Dear Abby responded that she didn't see any problems with it, unless of course, she insisted on frying bacon. *grins*