Monday, October 26, 2009

Why Is It Only Octomom we Criticize?

"Carolyn Savage won't have another chance to carry her own baby because of her age and difficulties during her earlier pregnancies. She and her husband plan to hire a surrogate and try again for a fourth child."

Through the past year I have heard so much said about Octomom. That she is creating children that she can't take care of. I kinda understand that argument - although I don't support it. Then there is that she is abusing the science of fertility. Totally don't support that statement. I mean she is using it in a way that is not very supportive to her financial state, but who is responsible for setting the rules about how many kiddo's you can create with these scientific abilities? Is she the person? If she is then are we saying that she is Morally Responsible for making smart decisions regarding the children she brings forth? I could support that argument. Or are we saying that because she can't financially support the children in the manner that would make her independent from state supports she should not be having more children? Would I say she is abusing the miracle science of creation? No. I would personally say that the doctor who said "Oh yeah let's give this a go" is just as responsible as Octomom is. Because if we are saying that she is being irresponsible we have to place a number on how many children can be created per person using this science. And if we do that then we have to look at every family that is using the science and perhaps we should also put the limit per family as one that also is compared to financial statements. Yes?


See I think it is just as tragic that people with the funds to support the children they have are continuing to create more children. The above quote is one that I found in several places. Most have probably heard the more recent fertility tragedy that occurred. The couple who became pregnant only to find out that the clinic had placed some other couples fertilized eggs into the woman. And that the woman then gave birth to the child instead of aborting the pregnancy and then gave that baby back to the parents who created the baby with the use of the fertility science. Now there is no denying that the story in itself is a selfless and beautiful one - I mean the part about going through with the pregnancy and giving the baby to the family that created the baby. The disappointment of the mistake must have been just awful and I can't begin to imagine it. I can imagine the act of placing the child in the rightful family - but still that is amazing and wonderful.

Here is where I have difficulty. When I read the story I thought that this was going to be their first child. But it wasn't - it was to be their fourth child. Fourth. All that money to create a child when they already had experienced the miracle of having children of their own biologically. And still they spend thousands and thousands of dollar to create more children. And there are thousands and thousands of children right here in the Foster care system waiting to be adopted. Family-less. And we are to embrace their loss of a child (which I can) and then nod in approval as they hire a surrogate to give birth to another child they will create. When there are so many children already created that would benefit from the love that would be a family. So are we okay with this because they can afford to hire people to help them create a family because they have the funds? Or are we okay with it because we don't really cherish the kids who are already created and waiting for a family?

This can get very confusing. I do understand that if you have not experienced creating your own child biologically you would want to. This understanding comes through friends I know who have this experience - so I am still detached from really understanding it personally. I would have a very hard time not wanting to embrace using this science of fertility for that experience. However, if you have experienced it several times - and then still want to spend more money to do it when there are so many children that are in the world needing a home - I have less understanding. That same amount of money could help a child be adopted into a family - shoot it would cost tons less to adopt a child here in the US!

So why are we so quick to question the choices of Octomom and not to question the choices of others? There are so many kids who need to a home that are already here in the world. Why do we need to spend thousands and thousands to create more? Aren't we Morally Responsible to be there for the children waiting for families? Love the ones that are here already.


Franchesca said...

I have a lot of opinions when it comes to fertility and surrogacy and the like. I personally don't believe that you should go out of your way to create more children while you are on public assistance. I'm sorry. I don't. I don't think it's fair to the children and I don't think it's fair to the rest of us.

Having gone through the surrogacy route myself, it's not an easy or a cheap process. There are so many moral and ethical questions and dilemmas. I had to sign contracts, attend counseling in addition to any medical treatments or procedures. I really never understood how she could afford the procedures but not the children themselves.

No, I don't know where the lines should be drawn and I don't know who should be drawing them. But I think that people who are not in favor of selective reduction (it's when you choose to terminate certain fetuses so that others may have a better chance), then those people should NOT be allowed to have more than 2 embryos implanted at a time. Those 2 embryos still have a greater than normal chance of becomming 4 embryos. And 4 would still be a LOT of babies to carry through a pregnancy.

All of that was written out in our contract. I would really be interested to see what it's like when it's just one party involved.

just lots of random thoughts.. *smile*

HalfPint said...

your points are well noted and I certainly do not think she is without responsibility for her point was more that it seems like there is a lot of money wasted on the experience of child birth - when there are so many kids who are already here on earth and could use a loving family.