Friday, November 6, 2009

Driving Round In Circles

Do you plan your errands out in a circle? I mean.........when you think of how you are going to complete the errands that you have in front of you do you create the motion you will travel in to be close to a circle that brings you back to your home?

If you live here in my area it will be easy for you - if you don't try to picture it in your head -
My list of things to do:
* Aldi
* Meijers
* Girl Scout office
* Blockbuster
* Gym
* Elementary School
* Bank
* Target
The gym has to go first because if I don't do it right away then it might be reasoned away as a time problem. So we go there first.
Then we take a left and head down the main street away from our home - next has to be the Girl Scout office because it is on the Right and next on the street (no doubling back) - then Meijers because it is on the Right and next on the street - then Aldi - because it is further on the Right - then we cross the main street and are now traveling back in the direction of our home - Target first because it is next on the road and on the Right - then Blockbuster because, yes, it is next on the Road and on the RIGHT - continue to the Bank - on the Right and next on the road - then all the way down to the Elementary school because it is closest to home and then home.

Now..........seems to make sense right? Except we went to the grocery stores very early in our trip and there were some freezer things (always there are).......and still it makes more sense TO ME to continue in a complete circle rather then double back and forth taking up more time to keep something frozen. God Help the Ice Cream.

Does this make sense to you? Or are these early signs of OCD? Or am I just want too anal retentive?

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