Saturday, November 21, 2009

Girl Scout Extravaganza

This was a Super Fun day. I will admit that this was a Saturday that followed a crazy few weeks. that I type that out and think about it I can not remember a Saturday that didn't follow a very crazy week - not crazy like "I can't handle another thing", but more crazy like "gosh a down day would be nice". So on this particular day I was border line with a cold......tired from lack of sleep due to the cold.....and it was the first weekend after many VERY busy ones. The thought of just staying in bed was a nice one.....but two days before this Girl Scout event we were informed that our troop was a Honor Troop and we had been invited to participate in the Opening and Closing Flag Ceremonies. Which was a big honor as this was a Large Scale Girl Scout event including troops for all over.

There were only 5 of our 18 girls that attended that day. That made everything a lot easier to manage. As the girls practiced I could see that they were very excited. SuperStar was invited to be one of the Callers......very big for her. All the other girls were lucky enough to do exactly what they requested too - 2 Flag Bearers and 2 Guards. So everyone was happy - making it even more exciting. And I was a bit surprised at the pride that swelled up in me as the girls walked down the isle. It was very cool. After the Annual Meeting and the retiring of the Flags the girls got to meet and take a picture with the Head of all Girl Scouts - Connie Lindsay. That also is a pretty bit honor! The girls had lunch and my co-leader and I attended a real live sit down luncheon in another ball room. Then we played - rock climbing, archery, crafts, cookie tasting - it was all there. Very fun twist.

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