Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fly Away Fly Away Fly Away Home.......

These Ladies are EVERYWHERE lately. They came streaming into our house just after the first real chill down in the area. At first they were dying almost as quickly as they were coming in through the garage and front door (note - we need to get better insulation around the front door!).........but now they aren't dying anymore. The Ladies that are here now are the ones who survived the trip and they seem ready to hunker down for the winter. They have NO FEAR of us what-so-ever. And we don't want to kill any of them so we find ourselves picking the ones up who are in the way and moving them to a safer spot. There are 2 Ladies inparticular who like to hang out around the sink.............they just sit around on the coutners right near the sink......

and at first glance they look like a spec of something that we need to clean up - and then you get close up with the towel and find......shoot it is a Lady Bug (Asian Lady Beetle) and instead of cleaning we go find a piece of paper to slide under it and move it to the window sill or some other "safety zone". Friends who visited recently even began to get into the act - switching them from one place to another - I mean one wants to hear the crunch of a Lady under their shoes. That just sounds like bad luck all around.

Who would have ever thought that when the song went, "Fly Away Fly Away Fly Away Home" they meant for them to be flying to our house? Sheesh!

1 comment:

Franchesca said...

We've only had a handful of visitors, but our church has been infested. They, however, chose to exterminate (I'm not going to even think about those implications), but they don't spray the belltower or the choir loft where my daughter practices. So, the choir girls have all decided it is their duty to provide sanctuary to the lady bugs up in the bell tower. Talk about sweet, and very fitting. *smile*