Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Forgive me Father for have sinned.........

So this past Monday night Spidey had his first Reconciliation. He was so cute and nervous........"what will I say?"............."what will Father Jerry say?" will be fine we reassured him......"do they keep things you tell them a secret?".........."do they ever throw people in prison for what they tell the priest?"

It was the suggestion of the church that parents and other family members also participate and also do a confession. To show support - to clear the slate - to be good role models. Now when SuperStar had her first Reconciliation BigGuy ducked out. As a matter of fact a great deal of the parents there that night ducked out. There were really only a handful of us who went and spoke with Father Tom. I did - but I had not been to confession in years and my confession went something like, "Bless me Father for I have has been something like since I was 7 since my last confession" (I blame this on my parents). He kinda smiled and I asked him if he wanted my Top 10 sins or just a really good one. He took a really good one.

This time around I gave out 3 sins........coulda kept going to....shoot would have kept going if Father Jerry hadn't cut me off. I took in a breath in between #3 sin and #4 sin and he took it as an opportunity to smile, say "wow those are some good confessions" and place his hand on my forehead to bless me. So I was done - but I coulda kept going. Just sayin..........

Anyway - Spidey went up and sat down - looked from a distance like things were going well. He smiled as he walked back and sat down to pray. He looked pleased and relaxed. Then it was SuperStars turn - same - no problems. As we were waiting for SuperStar to have her confession BigGuy made a confession that he had NEVER made a confession!! Now how in heavens name did that slip by the church in St. Louis? Never had Reconciliation when he became Catholic 10 years ago. He had no clue what to say or do.....he was actually more nervous then Spidey had been. The woman organizing us and I explained that he needed to say "bless me Father for I have has been an entire lifetime since my last confession" (although that doesn't make total sense - but maybe in a before life/after life he has done a confession?). In the end he did well.........but his confession topic was fairly lame (in my own opinion - oops guess I have to confess the sin of judging anothers sin when I go again at Dawson's first Reconciliation!).

On the way home Spidey chatted about how easy it was. And how he was glad it was done. So I asked what he confessed. He got quiet.....I told him he didn't have to tell..and then he said something close to, "Well will I get in trouble for it - because God has already forgiven me." Smart kid.


Jeannette E. Spaghetti said...

Say whaaaat? You had MULTIPLE sins to confess? For shame. If I'd have known this before Christmas, you SO would've gotten a lump of coal in your stocking! It's a good thing that God and Santa aren't on speaking terms.

I don't even know what I'd say. I mean, the importance of any action is weighted in the eyes of the beholder. I kind of want to go just so I can fess up to something like, "I was smoking weed and pooping while I skyped my mom."

Totally didn't happen, but man, I'd love to confess to it.

HalfPint said...

I have considered confessing an eye catching sin........but he cut me off before I could get there. And really.....don't tell - but what I wanted to confess was "bless me father for I have sinned - I don't take my children to the church often enough because I find I am angry with the church due to the fact that we only receive letters about how much money to donate for God and nothing about how to get involved or how much God loves us." BigGuy said that would be too obvious so I didn't.