Saturday, June 5, 2010

Don't Delude body might believe you, but my brain knows better!!

So on the VERY Last Day of Preschool I decided to do something fun for TheKing. See lately he has had to attend one event after another of his sisters activities or his brothers activities. Yes, TheKing had one evening of a musical program........which I am getting closer to catching up on and posting, but Spidey and SuperStar have had musical, musical, softball, Girl Scout Bridging, Air Flight Programs (which I think TheKing really did have fun with), auditions, 5th grade really has been one thing after the other. And with at least half the events I owned a piece of responsibility....rehearsals for talent show, cakes for a few of the activities, gifts for teachers, etc. And since I had to complete my portion I also found that on some days TheKing was kinda in the position of "wait a second sweetie".

Needless to say I thought HE deserved a day of things HE loved. And his last day of school seemed to only be fair.

We dropped him off at preschool that morning....SuperStar asked to stay with him and help the class. She LOVES staying and helping because she gets adored by all the little kiddo's. TheKing loves to have her there because he gets his big sis in the class and it is kinda like a really prideful Show & Tell. So this was kinda the start of the treat for him. Spidey and I went to work on undecorating the elementary school the olders attend. Then we swung back into our neighborhood to pick up of TheKing's best friends. We took MrE back to school with us at pick up time. TheKing was BEYOND EXCITED to see MrE show up in his classroom. We got there a bit early and he immediately grabbed E and brought him into the classroom group and the "goodbye" activities.

Spidey had also joined I was kinda left standing there. Not that this is a problem - I know the moms there and one of my good friends, KBS, was standing right there waiting for her EnglishMunchkin. The next step of our "Wonderful TheKing Day" was to take him, MrE and the olders to Walmart to buy a blow up swimming pool..........and then to the Irish Clown restaurant.......oh, I forgot there aren't kids on the blog listening so no need to talk code...McDonald's. So we were headed to McDonald's - KBS is always up for a good kid time and while we were standing there I thought I would invite her to our lunch plan. Standing in between us was another mom........very sweet........two little girlies.....we share a swim class. I was totally comfortable talking around here to KBS. However, it ended in a comedy of errors some how.

After saying hello to both ladies I had eye contact with KBS and said, "Hey, we are headed to McDonald's after this. Do you and EnglishMuffin want to come along?"

However, before she could answer MomintheMiddle piped up with, "Oh, thanks, but we try to stay away from McDonald's as much as possible."

"Oh." was my response and before I could go on I found myself being schooled on the evils of fastfood.

"Yes, we really don't go to any fast food places. We want the girls to eat healthy and so we try to make as much food at home and stay away from the high fat stuff." MomintheMiddle continued.

Now.....many of you know me.....sometimes I think......sometimes I don't. This time I thought, but blurted anyway. I have MomintheMiddle as a facebook friends - I know she is a good mom - I know she is currently working VERY HARD to fit into a dress she has for her sisters wedding - I know she still has food loves - I know a few of her fastfood loves because she posts them - I know she that although she is gorgeous, she could lose a few like me. So to be schooled on the evils of fastfood by her seemed a bit..........well funny.

"Oh, well MomintheMiddle now worries about the McDonald's thing. Good for you in making good choices and keeping up with your healthy eating for the wedding. Really though I wasn't actually asking you, I was talking to KBS, but you and the girls are TOTALLY welcome...maybe you can just buy a pop and the girls can play in the play place." I said......wondering if telling her we hadn't actually invited her was not nice - which is probably where my mind wandered off and allowed me to blurt next..

"No, we can't make it. Actually I am taking the girls to Carl's after school anyway." MomintheMiddle mentioned.

And this is where I got muddled.......I was still thinking that I hoped I didn't bother her with my pointed out non-invite comment....and then hear her - after she schools me on the evil of fast food - say that she is taking her girls to a local fast food chain that also specializes in ice cream?!? Now isn't that the cow calling the cow grilled? (get it - burgers are cow cream is cow juice....totally clever right?). So anyway, without thinking I say, " won't go to McDonald's, but you will take your girls to C's? How is that less fast food then where we are going? Aren't you deluding yourself?"

Not so smooth, huh? Oh, well....she isn't a Bestie Friend anyway.

But really though.....if there is one thing I have learned.....I should not delude myself by thinking that one fast food restaurant is better then another......because they aren't. The other thing I have learend - NEVER NEVER tell someone that what they are doing is something that you look down on......and if you do - find a way to say it that it just sounds like a choice - not like the other person should feel badly FOR doing whatever it is - unless you know that person really well. But finally...........if you are going to go all Holier Than Thou on a person......don't follow it up with a statement incriminating yourself on their same level (and yes, I have done and learn and learn).


Anonymous said...

How ironic that you mentioned in this blog you were going to Walmart...LOL!!!


HalfPint said...

why Ironic? Sad because I have been reduced to shopping there...but what is the irony?