Thursday, August 16, 2007

Baber - The Fickle Pickle Boy

It was pointed out that we have not given spotlight to our youngest family member yet - so here we go...................Babers loves many things - however, he is very fickle and things must be done specific ways. Here are his Top 10 favs -

10) Grapes - he loves to eat grapes, but if they are cut in two he will stick his nose up at you - preferring to have them whole so he can immediately bite them in two (sigh).

9) Being outside - often he is left at the door as it closes and he cries and cries.

8) Sitting in his big kid chair at our new table - he can climb up into the chair himself. He doesn't even mind the buckling.

7) Throwing things - his cup, his food, his toys, doesn't matter - if he is in a mood he will toss the cup and he has great aim. We are teaching him sign language since he refuses to use words that are helpful yet.

6) Snuggling - he loves to sit on your lap with a good cup of milk and a cinnamon graham cracker. Doesn't matter if you are reading or watching a house flip show - he will lean back and babble about it.

5) Jumping - preferably on the trampoline, but he loves to jump in the house too - directly on his tush and the hard floor - you would think this hurts, but our guess is the diaper helps.

4) Running into the street - it is a good thing we don't have much traffic - but this is also why he often finds himself on the unhappy side of a closed door.

3) Walking by himself - he loves to be out and walking - only, he doesn't care much to walk in whatever direction you are going - which is why most of his free body walking is done in the house. Hello trusty stroller for public events.

2) Cookies - he will even say this word without prompts (Doggie too) and he will sign "more" for this without prompts - he has even signed "please" when I wasn't quick enough - but know that the signs are generally asked for in most instances - for cookies though he will jump through any request.

1) Elmo - his number one love is Elmo, yet he will only watch him in an "Elmo's World" episode - any other way and he has little interest. As a cute doll we purchased - nada - thrown to Jake the dog for a toy (we saved him) - but sing Elmo's theme song and you have Babers heart and undivided attention.
There are many other things that we love about our fickle baby Babers. These are just a few.

1 comment:

Household Executive said...

I liked reading this in order to get to know the little guy more!