Wednesday, August 22, 2007

SuperStars Birthday Pics

1 comment:

Cara A. Valente-Compton said...

Patti, how I love your blog. I feel like we have had a fun visit every time I stop by and read. The kids are so big! Happy birthday to beautiful Andersen! We are in the midst of birthday season here. Sarah turned 7 on August 4th, bad mommy was in Chicago on a campaign trip, Maddie turns 6 tomorrow, and Willie will be 3 on Sept 3. They grow up so fast! I can't believe I have an almost 10 year old! Spidey and Babers are too darling, what a beautiful family!

Love, Cara (and smoooches to all from the whole Compton Clan)

PS. Be thinking about a family holiday to New Mexico (subtle hint).:)