Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Super Safe

You should know that anyone who comes to visit us is Super Safe because Spidey & SuperStar have become Super Hero's. This has all come about because of the movie 'Zoom' that we watched last weekend. These kids with super powers are trained to save the world. This stream of fantasy is something S&S are very interested in and will play out for weeks after. They have now designated themselves with names - MegaBoy (who can make himself expand really puffy) & Princess or Wonder (she switches back and forth, but either name she can move things with her mind). Babers has been named Super DahDah (they didn't say his super power, but I hope it does not include his diaper) and I have been given the distinction of being the Commander who tells everyone what they do (I also get a super power - which is that I can blow air really hard). BigGuy was SuperDad, but the kids were discussing a better one (he is super strong). Jake the wonder pup has been named Citrus (I didn't ask).

Regardless - know that you must keep their secret identities to yourselves and that when you visit you will be Super Safe.

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