Monday, September 24, 2007

Ketchin' Up

Spidey has now become a big time speller. The other day I told him to catch up with us and he told me he knew how to spell "catch up". Surprised he thought he could do this (3 letter words he is totally got covered, but two words?) I told him to go for it. He ran over to the refrigerator and took out the ketchup bottle and he proceeded to spell catch up - with a K of course. Now I am catching up. Sunday I woke up and finally found that my stomach was not woozy. Not that it is ready to eat a ton of food, but it is ready to not make me think about what I am eating before I do it. Yea!! That makes four of us totally healthy - BigGuy though, I think he might be getting it now.

The week was fast. Most likely because I helped a friend by watching her son all most of the mornings. Plus we met up with another friend each day to do stuff at parks and what not. Then there was Superstar's operation on Friday - that had us focused on the end of the week. She had two teeth pulled - just like Spidey (only he had one pulled). We rented movies and she picked two ice creams - Blue Bunny (that is a shout out to Iowa - go Blue Bunny) Orange Dream and a new flavor, Cinnamon (not as good as you would think - er, I would think). She picked mashed potatoes and tapioca pudding too. In all it went well - she came out of the anesthesia without problem and the operation itself took all of 15 minutes. Total trouper. The Fairy brought gifts for two teeth - even though they were both half gone. Our Fairy rocks. Spidey didn't go without a big event either - why would we want to have an easy week? At the same time SuperStar was under Spidey and BigGuy were off to his first Field Trip. They went to the firehouse and to Safety Town. Wish BigGuy had the camera because it sounded way cute.

This weekend we did a lot of different stuff. You will get totally different answers about what was most exciting depending on who you ask. BigGuy will say that we finally went to the local meat store to check it out. He found that they make fresh bratwurst in many many flavors. He brought home Cherry, Apple & Tomato Basil. We liked them all, but voted Cherry the best. Spidey would probably say that riding his bike around the neighborhood was the best part. Babers would love that he got a new swing for our backyard set and now he can swing at home. SuperStar would say that meeting the neighbors horses and feeding them was the best part. My favorite part would probably be the visit with Papa & Grandma - well, that was every one's favorite. We played putt putt at the park and visited the cheese farm. Plus the weather was gorgeous!! That alone made anything we did easily Fun!

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Whew! I'm getting tired.