Thursday, January 31, 2008


Priorities - I am not even going to look this word up so that I don't have to look at what it really means.

Okay, I know what it really means - but sometimes it is really hard to have priorities and to acknowledge them and then feel okay with ignoring them.

One of our priorities is to have a clean house - it looks clean as long as you don't look at the bottom of your white socks. Does ignoring the bottom of our white socks make us not in line with our priorities.
Get to the point you say?

Okay, one of my kids had told me things about a first kiss!!! My priority is to abide by my childs wishes to not tell people because it is private - meaning I have to keep all of this a secret because if I tell (and I did tell the mom of the other child because I thought she would want to know about this Big Deal) most likely it will set a precidence of how much she can trust me and I will be cut off from other secrets. BigGuy doesn't have any problem not sharing this - he is a saint (whatever). My thought is - it is so cute and sweet - it is shocking and I need therapy through my friends because one of my babies is starting to get kisses!!!. Yet, I can't tell the story because I want to travel through the teen years being trusted and hearing about their turbulant teenage lives. So I won't blog about what happened the first time one of our children was kissed.

This is seriously killing me. I will not tell though.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Who Me?

Too cute for words - Babers keeps grabbing my camera and hauling it around the house (even when I hide it in the tricky spots - I have seen him spy things from afar, run up to the counter/table/what not that they are on, realize they are too high, go grab a chair - sometimes from a great distance - and drag it over to the surface he is trying to scale). Sneaky Babers - he is a very smart one.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Dude I am gonna take you down!

Our Spidey has always kinda been the kid that has fun with other kids, but doesn't act very competitive. Not that he doesn't act competitive (I don't want emails from friends saying, well there was that time he was over and he did blah blah blah) I get that he can be competitive, just in general he is laid back. Yesterday Spidey had his friend JS over and JS challenged me to a game of pool and his exact words were, "Dude I am gonna take you down!" He close to did, but once Spidey saw he and I were having fun playing he took my place, saved face for me and then began making up rules that caused no one to be "taken down". Sheesh......BigGuy came no where near any of this. He stayed quietly on the computer so that a Kindergarten Fats Domino didn't "take him down" and shame him forever. Spidey and JS battled it out the rest of the time they had together. Wrestling, air hockey, pool, games - whatever they were playing they were both saying "Dude this" and "Dude that". It was quite cute - although we would never say that to either of those hard nosed little pool sharks.

Friday, January 25, 2008

She Rocked It!!!

SuperStar has officially met her goal - and then some (by 8 extra). She has sold 508 boxes of Girl Scout cookies. All types of them - 70 Samoas - 74 Tagalongs - 50 Shortbread - 161 Thin Mints (ya'll like your mint) - 70 Dosidos (Savannahs - my fav) - 17 Thanks-a-lots - 28 Lemonades - 29 Cinna-Spins - Tah Dah!!
Thanks to everyone who helped us by selling to their friends and family - Nanny, AuntM, and those who bought cookies to send overseas to the troops and anyone who might have encouraged someone else to buy a box of cookies. SuperStar did so well (BigGuy sold about 80 at work! - but the rest was hers) that we don't even have to sell on Sunday. We could, but honestly, 500 was a big goal and a great stopping place for a first time GirlScout Cookie sales girl!! I think that tonights sales were helped by the fact that it was still just under 20 degrees and it was snowing - plus we were so darn cute with our scarves and all. Regardless - she did it, it is done and we can't wait to deliver (well, I can, but we can't wait to see your smilin' faces as we deliver your cookies. I think this article best describes the joys of Girl Scout Cookie Time (click that title).

Thursday, January 24, 2008

It is Soooooooo Cold!

It is soooooooo cold outside!! Today it is -3 with a windchill that takes it down even lower. Yes, I know that it is colder in other areas - kudo's to them for having colder weather - still it is cold here. Babers cried on our way into the gym today and his tear was frozen by the time we reached the door. My friend cancelled coming over tonight because it is too cold for her (of course she also hates snow - there is something wrong with her). BigGuy won't let us go out selling cookies (there are only 3 days left!!) because it is too cold. Wouldn't the fact that we were out there cause people to buy MORE cookies out of pity for our frozen little bodies? Doesn't matter, we won't chance it. Regardless - it is soooooooo cold outside!!! On the bright side - there is also a lot of snow!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Oh the things we do for our kids..................

Oh the things that we do for our kids. It is about 5:50am - yes, AM, not PM, AM. We have been up since 4am when SuperStar wandered into the room to make certain we were going to be waking up on time at 5am. Sweet of her to make sure that LAST hour of sleep was interrupted, but it is difficult to trust BigGuy and getting up in the morning. Each morning his goal is to wake at 5:45am, shower, eat and be gone by 6:30am and to work in his desk by 6:45am. Bless his heart (although it isn't what I am saying when he presses snooze 4 times) he generally gets up at 6:30am and leaves by 7:20am. So this should explain the true dedication the man has for his children and why I love him so.
As I said, we woke at 5am. He showered (I made sure he was officially out of bed because he had already tried to set the snooze button - habits are a killer) and I made his breakfast and his lunch to take. He was out the door by 5:36am!!!! Whoo hooo!!! Special project at work you ask? Nope. Has to go out of town for some business thing (which he is good at getting up this early for)? Nope. Going to stand in line at the gym to sign the kids up for swim class? Yep. Not kidding - it is so competitive to get into these swim classes that parents begin the line up for sign up at 5:30am!! We figure if he is in line by 6am we will be fine, but some parents have made the attempt to sign up for three years straight without getting in. Now, once you are in you have the first shot at classes when the next session begins - but even then you have to get there early to compete for a spot if your kiddo is moving up a class. Yikes!!! Why are they so coveted? Well, for starters they are free - can't beat that, they come with the membership at the gym. Then there is the 5 kids to one instructor deal and that they are supposedly the best in town - and many kids who want to move into their swim team - also supposedly a good team and something both kids say they are interested in. Now, here is the funny thing - in the past we have signed them up for various classes and they wanted to bail before our paid time was complete - and in some cases we let them (when it was around the holidays and really their bailing helped our time schedule - sad, but true). This time, because we have made such an effort (if we get them in) they will be expected to take all the classes. Does that make us good parents?

Post Script - 7:41am - BigGuy waited in line until 7am at which time they began taking registrations. There were 12 people ahead of him (imagine what time they got up). Once at the registration point he was told there was only 1 opening left for the class our kids qualified for - that meant 1 wouldn't get to take lessons. How do you choose? I was on the phone with him, we tried bumping them up a level, but the same situation was there - only 1 opening. The kiddos are now registered for private swim lessons (only $84 for both of them combined and it is the day and time we wanted originally for the class). Since they are registered we will qualify for the pre-registration next go round. Which means getting up at 6am and starting over, only a day earlier and before all the newbies (like us). In the meant time - they will learn how to swim, bump up a level and there will be less competition. Oh the things we do for our kids...................

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mixed Emotions

What do you see in this picture? Specifically it is a note on a drink container. This is written by SuperStar. It says, "Mom we need more coolaid in the container. PS I already ate my lunch." Now, is this -
A) A new way for the kids to bug me about doing the things they want me to do?
B) A joy because SuperStar made, ate and cleaned up her own lunch?
C) A joy because the children are finding new ways to communicate their needs without whining non-stop until they are met?
D) A subliminal message that I should have been more on top of things and made her lunch before she had to - and that I am not keeping a consistent beverage supply ready?
Now, know also that SuperStar wanted to know if I got her note - then asked me why I hadn't made the Kool-Aid yet, it had been 10 minutes. Perhaps that will change your answer and is why I have mixed emotions. Love that she can communicate, love that she is becoming much more independent, don't love being bossed about. Sigh. I am going to go with the answer being B & C.

Happy Birthday Papa!

We spent this weekend entertaining guests. Yea! It has been awhile since anyone has come and enjoyed an overnight stay at our beautifully frigid bed & breakfast. Papa, Gramma, AuntB and soon to be UncleR all stopped in. We did things that our Papa enjoys - skating, spending time playing games and eating things that are made with pumpkin (see the pumpkin birthday pie?) - to celebrate his birthday. We made sure to make him feel special since we forgot to phone him on his actual day (oops). Although AuntB and UncleR left that night - the Grands stayed over and slept in the brand new bed (with the very old family headboard) that we placed in our basement guest room. Yea! we are so happy to have this available - although we think the contractor was wrong about the use of insulation - it is cold in our new area - but the guests said we were wrong. Never argue with the guest. However, look at Gramma all covered up in the second picture - she looks very cold! So who is next to visit?

Monday, January 21, 2008

Celebrate Martin Luther King

We as a nation celebrate so many people who come before us and helped to make our nation what it is today. Most often the people we celebrate most are white men. We often forget to celebrate our influencial Americans who are African American, who are Women, who are not white anglo saxon men. Don't get me wrong, I love my white anglo saxon brothers who have done well for our country, but I think there should be some equal time for everyone who has given their life, their time, their efforts to make our country the place it is today and the place it will be tomorrow.

So - today, have a conversation with someone about the man we are all taking moment to pause and celebrate. Don't think of it simply as a "day off of work" or a "day the kids are home from school". Remember that it is a day to remember and reflect on the work of Dr. King. He gave his life to make huge strides in equality for African Americans, Women and in diminishing the line of prejudice. Talk to your kids about why they are home, who Dr. King was, check a book out at the library, tell them his story (minus the violence for the youngest) and explain to them how he has helped all of us. Don't miss the day, the opportunity or the chance to celebrate one of our countries strong leaders.

This is what SuperStar has told me -"Martin Luther King made civil rights so that now black people and white people can join as brothers and sisters to do things together. Like, when black people had to sit at the back of the bus Martin Luther King he led a bus boycot until the black people were allowed to sit where ever they want. He did all different kinds of stuff like that helped white people realize they weren't being fair and that all the whites only signs should go down and now we all have the same freedoms which is it should have been all along. If Martin Luther King wasn't here then people may not have let Babers be in our family."

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Running on Luck

This little girl puts on her new Horse Shoe Necklace every morning for the past week and says, "Oh, it is lucky I was able to find this. Now I will have luck all day." She believes that because she found it (she loses it everyday) only good things will happen to her. Of course, last night when she was eating Fish Aioli she wasn't feeling so lucky. The gagging noises were enough to make me toss my very tasty meal. At the same time, she finished it and that was lucky for her (the alternative was not lucky). We are happy she has this lucky charm - at the same time we want her to know how she is creating her own luck. Her thought is - I don't have homework because of the luck - reality is - she passed the spelling pre-test so she doesn't have any spelling homework, she loves math and is finishing it up before she gets home (as a bias mother I believe that is brilliance, not luck). Her thought is - I have sold almost 300 boxes of GS cookies - reality is - every night we sell cookies door to door for 1 1/2 hours and she is tremendously charming, even to the people who don't buy (as a bias mother tromping in the cold next to her I know that this is determination, not luck). Not to trump the horse shoe, but since we are selling we are spending oodles of time together just "us" and I am telling her how proud we are she is successful in her pursuits. Yesterday, as she stood in a doorway twirling around I asked her if she knew how proud we are of her for working hard to reach her own goals (she told one person the 500 box goal was mine - to which I said, "Then let's stop now because it is cold" to which she said, "My real goal is 1,000" - we are not delivering 1,000 boxes of cookies!) - she twirled towards me, head to the side and said, "Mommy you tell me all the time, I won't be able to forget it!". I think my heart grew right at that moment. She rocks!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Girl Scout Cookies!!!

Anyone (who hasn't and isn't selling them) want to buy some Girl Scout cookies? Do you know anyone who hasn't been asked and they are really wanting to order some????

Please let us know and SuperStar will sell them some. It is 18 degrees here and we are walking door to door everynight in a different section of our neighborhood to sell cookies. She has made a 500 box goal for herself (she is currently at 150) to pay for GS sleep over camp and she is determined to meet it - even in the below freezing temps. SuperStar receives .20 per box to go towards camp and she is determined to make the full $200 cost. We want to support her and her "Can Do" attitude so we are tromping around with her, but it is soooooo cold!! So.....any warmer temperature purchases (meaning by phone or computer while inside our house) is a favorite type of purchase!!!

Spread the word - SuperStar would love to sell you, your friends or family some cookies!!!!

Movin' and Shakin'

Our aunt made a comment about her blog this holiday break. She mentioned that she keeps it updated, but doesn't post quite as often as I do. That got me to thinking how often I post, which is more then some and not as much as others. Everyday there seems to be something that happens and I want to post it before I forget it so that you all can share it. Then there are breaks in the action every once in awhile and I don't post. Since most of you all don't leave comments (yes, I am hinting that you should so that I know you are there - did you see the tracker I posted so that I could try to figure out if STL ppl are stopping in?) I can't tell how often to keep things going. Some people check everyday - my sisinlaw and ironically some of the women who see me most everyday (go figure - and thanks all of you!). Regardless - this isn't about that.

I haven't posted in 5 day - ooooohhhhh!!!!!! That isn't because I am pacing myself - it is because we didn't have Internet access. The basement is finished and we pulled all the rooms apart and put them together (or are putting them together). The olders are splitting up. They have shared a room for 5 1/2 years and now have their own room (sad moment for me). So we started with taking the computer and craft room apart and took those things to the basement - the computer then sat for 3 days unhooked up because our contractor forgot to wire the outlet (he put it in, finished it, but never connected it to anything - BigGuy spent a few hours on Sunday trying to figure out what network to use and it never even was hooked up). Anyway, we moved that room - took down the bunkbeds, put them in the new Spidey room, then put up the really nice bed the previous owners left us for SuperStar - switched out furniture - cleaned the residue mess they had all over - put together the furniture in the basement - it went on and on. Through it all Spidey ran around the house seeming oblivious to the work we were doing - SuperStar prepared snacks for us (a tray for cheese, ham and celery magically appeared with water glasses filled with water) and statements of "Thank you for all the work you are doing to give us our own rooms". When we weren't paying attention I found out later that she was phoning everyone she had a number for and saying, "Yeah, Spidey is going to be in his own room and I will have space to myself without him!" She was excited. Spidey was also a little awe struck. I thought he would be sad to be out on his own, but toward the end of the day he marched up to BigGuy and I am instructed us that, "If the sign I have outside my door says "Opin" (his grammar) then I am in there and you can come in, if it says "Closid" then I am out and you can't go in." So to mess with him I asked if I decide to surprise him and clean his room whie he is at school, what should I do? He thought and said, "go ahead I will let you." Later I went up to clean and found Babers taking his sign (which was one of those magnetic boards that you push the lever to clear off) and clearing the word "Closid", scribbling on it and then dragging it by the pen into his room. I let him. I went in and cleaned a bit transferring things from one room to another. Spidey came up and got unglued when he saw me and accused me of taking his sign - then went scrambling looking for it. We had a talk after that - I expressed my ability to enter any room in the house without discipline from him and that a sign left on the ground would be open (my grammar) season to a 2 year old. I suggested a written sign taped up higher on the door.

All in all though - they LOVE their new rooms. Spidey falls asleep without the bopping up and down the stairs and SuperStar is acting like she has a luxury suite. Yesterday I went into Spidey's room to find him coloring on the floor. SuperStar spent almost an hour talking to her friend on the phone - hmmm.....that might be a problem. Babers is not as happy. They are both closing their door - which they didn't do before - and it makes it difficult for him to wreak havoc everywhere. Soon enough he will figure out doorknobs.

We hope to have it all settled soon and then we will post pics. Until then we will keep finishing the finishing work (that is another email) and get out stuff moved in.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Riddle me this...

Okay, we are totally baffled as to what our children will eat. We are eating healthier again (which basically means we aren't picking up take out - we have always cooked healthy meals when we do it ourselves). We are also accommodating the kids taste choices while trying not to make an entirely separate meal (which means pulling their meats, veggies or noodles out before sauce or spice is added). The other day I made Maple Glazed Salmon for BigGuy and I - broccoli and salad. The kids had fish sticks, which they swore the week before (we were having shrimp and they ranted they hated shrimp) they loved and that they would eat that sort of fish. Trying to be fair when we had fish this week I made them the fish sticks they said they loved - they hated them and swore they never said they liked them (but Spidey did eat all his and have seconds). The next day we had chicken, green beans, salad and they had mac & cheese. They hated the chicken and green beans - loved the rest. Then last night I figured I had heard enough whining that I was just making something I wanted and they could skip the meal. I made stew - celery, carrots, onions, garlic, chicken broth, beef, spices and 1 1/2 cps red wine (knowing they would hate this). Realized after I put the whole thing together that I only had 1lb of beef and needed 3lbs. Babers fell asleep on our way home from our playdate so I couldn't stop at the store for more and then once home I got creative. I added 1lb of chicken and 1lb of uncooked shrimp (knowing the kids would most likely throw up). Made them some noodles, served BigGuy and I a salad and dished out the stew. They LOVED it!! Raved, asked for more, said the shrimp especially tasted fabulous, dug more shrimp out to eat, loved the chicken (didn't care for onions or beef - but who does?), and ate it all raving what a wonderful cook I am, said they never told us they didn't like shrimp or chicken. BigGuy and I just sat there wondering "What the......????" (this is our kids new phrase). So I give up, I don't know what to expect - maybe next week I will try a Salmon Souffle or something (although that doesn't even sound good to me).

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Kids

We always send out a family picture with our Christmas cards. This year we had a kids only picture in our cards. Getting that picture was no easy feat. I was by myself until BigGuy came home, there was a crew of 5 men in the basement working on the drywall - the house was a huge mess with dust everywhere and the kids were wired for sound. I took about 20 pictures - the last 3 with BigGuys help and we ended up using the very first photo that was taken(sigh). Looking through them today I was struck by how funny they were and thought I would share a few. Where Babers got the phone I have no idea - I was feeding him marshmallows to keep him still, the phone must have appeared magically.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New Blogs

There just isn't enough for me to do in the world today (note of comedy) - so I am starting a few more blogs. One if Me In Motion. This might change to We In Motion. We will see. That blog is going to be me keeping track of what I am doing to replace my me into the we that is us. Unless BigGuy joins in and then it will be we in all that and the us being all 5 of us. Follow that? I am not drinking as much caffiene in the morning these days so I don't really expect you to. Then the other is going to be PattiMark, but there really is too much for me to do in the world today to get that up and running until the basement is finished - 2 more days!! - and the furniture is down there - another week? You know there will be an update on that as soon as it is done and we are all living down there again - yea!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Black History Month

Did you pay attention to the legitamet to do about yet another reporter saying something stupid about a famous person that came off very prejudice? The most recent (and there seem to be so many) that I know of is a female sports reporter who made a comment about young golfers needing to lynch TWoods to get ahead in the sport. This links to an article about it. When my dad came to visit he talked about how originally, after the reporter apologized he thought "no biggie, no offense meant, TWoods forgave" and then he listened in on a tv news talk show discussing this issue and an African American comedian made the point that it is a Big Deal - that it was only 30/40 years ago really that lynching African Americans was a common occurance in the United States, acts like these are part of AA recent history and heritage and racism is still very much a part of all of our lives. The violence the comment described can easily be brushed off as a miss use of words, but that it was used is still disappointing and disrespectful toward TWoods - regardless of a lack of malicious intent.

Now - dad went on to ask what we are doing to make sure that we are connecting Babers to his African American heritage. He is surrounded by white people everywhere we go. Our family is completely white - there is no getting around that - and at the age he is now he doesn't notice, but eventually he will and we need to make certain that we are doing our best to connect him to everything that will help him become a strong person - which means understanding his heritage. We seek out groups, schools and diversity, but we also need to make sure diversity is in our home, our books, our movies, our stories, our playmates and our history. We celebrate so many things based in white history - we will celebrate our countries black history by celebrating Black History Month and learning about a new AA person who has made a difference in our countries history. Honestly, this is as much for Babers as it is for Spidey and SuperStar.

The kids are going to help come up with names that we can post information about each day - but we are going to help too by looking for names that you won't readily know. So come back and see if you learn something about your countries history through the month of February........

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Hey Mr. Postman......

Remember that song from when our parents were kids - "Hey Mr. Postman look and see.....if there's a letter in your bag for me.....hey Mr. Poooooooooostman deliver the letter, the sooner the better...." That is one of the things that we most look forward to starting right after Thanksgiving. All the holidays cards, picture cards, year end family letters and what not that we get. WE LOVE THEM!! Thank you every person who sent or handed us a card. We love receiving them and we love sending them. In years past we have only received a handful of cards through the holiday and this year I was thinking that perhaps we should decrease the number we send out since card sending was maybe not that important to our crowd - this year we received a whopping 68 cards!! We mailed 88 cards, hand delivered about 30 cards (teachers, Girl Scouts, friends - all hand crafted thank you) - so we received at least half the amount we sent which I feel is a wonderful thing. There was one day that 8 cards were delivered - the kids and I about passed out from the joy of getting to open all those cards. Some were handmade - some had family pics on them - some had long letters detailing the previous year - very cool. So Thank You Thank You Thank You - we loved the cards and notes!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Save the Baby, Save the Children

There are parents all around me saying, "I can't wait for the kids to go back to school." I will agree, 11 days off school (not including weekend days) is a long time, but in our house the school aged children are not the problem. I think I would enjoy having them home more - although it would mean homeschooling and that would probably cause my final mental breakdown. Here in our home it is not the olders driving me bonkers - the Holiday Hangover Babers is suffering from is the problem. Save the Baby, Save the Children. However, my problem with the baby tends to happen to carry over to the children. You know how some days you wake up and you are already kinda crabby? Well, that would be Babers lately. Sure there is the communication gap, but we are starting to understand his made up words (gook = drink, bum = brother, pease = please), I honestly believe he is just waking up already feeling crabby and demanding that his needs be met OR ELSE!! Save the Baby, Save the Children. Today I am at a total disadvantage because I am tired and not crabby, but easily influenced in that direction. The olders were promised a trip to the Family Fun Center (an adult torture center) and we made plans to meet friends - this meant there was no backing out. Babers started in as soon as his breakfast was done. Threw a few Thomas trains (and those hurt!!) and even got swatted on the tush (not my favorite but it also wasn't my first, second or third peace attempt with him). Save the Baby, Save the Children. What I found though was that as I lost my patience with Babers I had zero patience left for SuperStar or Spidey, my illogical brain took over my logical brain and I found myself thinking things like "They are older they should know better" - even though I was expecting them to read my mind and not really giving them instructions. As we were driving to the playdate Babers started screaming for what appeared to be no reason (we still don't know why) and I considered going home and calling it a day, although the olders had been good all morning and they would be the ones to suffer the consequences, complain, whine and probably end up being yelled at by me because I was at my last thread - then I thought of the series we have been renting and watching and how all the hero's have been drawn to Save the Cheerleader to Save the World. It made me giggle to think that if only someone would Save the Baby they would also Save the Children from the consequences that lurked. It wasn't fair to them - so maybe the Family Fun Center would be enough to Save the Baby - and it was - Save the Baby, Save the Children. He is now big enough to play in the ball pit without being sucked under, enjoyed the jumping on the trampoline without a parent, and even played some putt putt golf (in his own fashion) - plus SuperStar took him different places on her own (sweet angel that she is). It didn't hurt that there were some other adult parents to talk to and that I have a playdate planned for tonight - away from the baby - thus saving the Baby yet another day.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

How we Celebrated!!

HAPPY 2008!!!
Our plan was to have some friends over and bring in the new year with the kids howling through the house and the adults snacking and playing games........then, at about 4:30pm the snow started (I am not about to complain about snow - ever) and it dropped about 6" quick and fast. The party still remained the plan - basically because we weren't going to be driving anywhere and we knew none of our friends were big drinkers so it was safe enough to have them come over. It was a small party (because without the basement we didn't know where to put more kids) and one family dropped out - that made it a more intimate gathering with just us and the "H" family. We did have fun though - the kids made a lot of noise, Babers slept through it (thank you sleeping angel), we introduced them to Phase10 and they introduced us to a card game named Spoons, we snacked, a band formed in the other room and played some music for us, the band split up due to managerial problems, there was some crying, new management was found, champaigne was toasted, sparklers were lit and kisses were given and 2008 was ushered in. That was our New Years Celebration - what did you do?