Thursday, January 17, 2008

Running on Luck

This little girl puts on her new Horse Shoe Necklace every morning for the past week and says, "Oh, it is lucky I was able to find this. Now I will have luck all day." She believes that because she found it (she loses it everyday) only good things will happen to her. Of course, last night when she was eating Fish Aioli she wasn't feeling so lucky. The gagging noises were enough to make me toss my very tasty meal. At the same time, she finished it and that was lucky for her (the alternative was not lucky). We are happy she has this lucky charm - at the same time we want her to know how she is creating her own luck. Her thought is - I don't have homework because of the luck - reality is - she passed the spelling pre-test so she doesn't have any spelling homework, she loves math and is finishing it up before she gets home (as a bias mother I believe that is brilliance, not luck). Her thought is - I have sold almost 300 boxes of GS cookies - reality is - every night we sell cookies door to door for 1 1/2 hours and she is tremendously charming, even to the people who don't buy (as a bias mother tromping in the cold next to her I know that this is determination, not luck). Not to trump the horse shoe, but since we are selling we are spending oodles of time together just "us" and I am telling her how proud we are she is successful in her pursuits. Yesterday, as she stood in a doorway twirling around I asked her if she knew how proud we are of her for working hard to reach her own goals (she told one person the 500 box goal was mine - to which I said, "Then let's stop now because it is cold" to which she said, "My real goal is 1,000" - we are not delivering 1,000 boxes of cookies!) - she twirled towards me, head to the side and said, "Mommy you tell me all the time, I won't be able to forget it!". I think my heart grew right at that moment. She rocks!

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