Monday, January 21, 2008

Celebrate Martin Luther King

We as a nation celebrate so many people who come before us and helped to make our nation what it is today. Most often the people we celebrate most are white men. We often forget to celebrate our influencial Americans who are African American, who are Women, who are not white anglo saxon men. Don't get me wrong, I love my white anglo saxon brothers who have done well for our country, but I think there should be some equal time for everyone who has given their life, their time, their efforts to make our country the place it is today and the place it will be tomorrow.

So - today, have a conversation with someone about the man we are all taking moment to pause and celebrate. Don't think of it simply as a "day off of work" or a "day the kids are home from school". Remember that it is a day to remember and reflect on the work of Dr. King. He gave his life to make huge strides in equality for African Americans, Women and in diminishing the line of prejudice. Talk to your kids about why they are home, who Dr. King was, check a book out at the library, tell them his story (minus the violence for the youngest) and explain to them how he has helped all of us. Don't miss the day, the opportunity or the chance to celebrate one of our countries strong leaders.

This is what SuperStar has told me -"Martin Luther King made civil rights so that now black people and white people can join as brothers and sisters to do things together. Like, when black people had to sit at the back of the bus Martin Luther King he led a bus boycot until the black people were allowed to sit where ever they want. He did all different kinds of stuff like that helped white people realize they weren't being fair and that all the whites only signs should go down and now we all have the same freedoms which is it should have been all along. If Martin Luther King wasn't here then people may not have let Babers be in our family."

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