Friday, January 25, 2008

She Rocked It!!!

SuperStar has officially met her goal - and then some (by 8 extra). She has sold 508 boxes of Girl Scout cookies. All types of them - 70 Samoas - 74 Tagalongs - 50 Shortbread - 161 Thin Mints (ya'll like your mint) - 70 Dosidos (Savannahs - my fav) - 17 Thanks-a-lots - 28 Lemonades - 29 Cinna-Spins - Tah Dah!!
Thanks to everyone who helped us by selling to their friends and family - Nanny, AuntM, and those who bought cookies to send overseas to the troops and anyone who might have encouraged someone else to buy a box of cookies. SuperStar did so well (BigGuy sold about 80 at work! - but the rest was hers) that we don't even have to sell on Sunday. We could, but honestly, 500 was a big goal and a great stopping place for a first time GirlScout Cookie sales girl!! I think that tonights sales were helped by the fact that it was still just under 20 degrees and it was snowing - plus we were so darn cute with our scarves and all. Regardless - she did it, it is done and we can't wait to deliver (well, I can, but we can't wait to see your smilin' faces as we deliver your cookies. I think this article best describes the joys of Girl Scout Cookie Time (click that title).


Morgan said...

Congrats!The mega-sales girl has proven her abilities. We also bought cookies from an neighborhood cutie so we'll be stuffing our faces for a while.


HalfPint said...

She is now at 524 - now that we have stopped the people are calling her!

Amanda said...

Way to go!! As a former girl scout, I am totally impressed. Now that shows some true dedication. :-)

BTW, we can't wait for ours. Er...I can't wait for ours. lol

Household Executive said...

Great job Andersen! I am so proud of you for setting a goal and working hard to meet it! What a great life lesson! You can do anything you set your mind to!