Saturday, November 14, 2009

So Here We Go...........

Know what this is? Ack! This is the beginning of all the romance drama to come. This is the very first official Love Letter SuperStar has received. Now she has had a kiss from her "first boyfriend" - a childhood friend from the age of about 6 months. And that was sweet - and he had some moves - but it was still Our Best Friends some schmuck raised by people we have NO CLUE ABOUT! In fact, I know a lot of kids at their school and this kid is not one that I can say would be easy to find in a line up. So this little hooligan has taken a shine to our SuperStar - to the point that he was willing to create art and sign both their names in a heart AND give it to her through a friend. Oh the Audacity he has!

So Here We Go..........

Now this is probably only funny to me......but a few months ago I was talking with a friend. This friend happens to be the first boy that I held hands with in Jr. High, first shy kiss and first boy who let me wear his jeans jacket. He now also has a daughter - just one year older then SuperStar. She just this year started Jr. High. I asked him what he knew about any crushes she had. He assured me there were NO crushes - she was far too young for that sort of thing. I reminded him that we were her and SuperStars age when he first held my hand, pecked my cheek and wrote me notes. And I also reminded him that it was all sweet and innocent and just part of growing up. He said something about boys that age not being trusted based on what he remembered and wanted to change the subject and talk about something else. And I laughed at him - because it is all sweet and innocent.

I am not laughing as much now. Dang I hate when things bite me in the butt.

1 comment:

Franchesca said...

My daugther, at the age of 7, has a boyfriend. He's been the same boyfriend she's had for a YEAR. Now yes.. it IS all innocent. I don't worry about any longterm ramifications, but he is her very best friend and he is a boy. And they talk about their first kiss (which I keep telling them they should put off until AFTER flu season).

But finally, the thing that really gets me... is that she's started referring to his grandma (who raises him) as her future mother-in-law. All I can do is tell her that she could do far worse for a mother-in-law and I leave it at that.

Good luck. It is all innocent and we have to depend on the idea that we've given them the tools to deal with what is on the horizon. For me, it's not her current boyfriend that scares me. It's the next one who will likely be the exact opposite of the sweet little boy she's attached to at the moment.

*cringe* ok. I'm just not gonna think about this anymore. *laughs*