Saturday, November 28, 2009

Where Is Precious?

Why are there so few theatres showing Precious? In our town not a single theatre is showing it on a daily basis. There was a "special" - 1 Night Only - viewing a few Mondays ago. I hadn't realized that they wouldn't be showing it or I would have taken that evening to go and see it. Now it is gone.

So I began to search for it. Precious is not in a single theatre in our area......and I don't just mean our Twin isn't even within simple driving distance. Why is that? Is it the content - which is on the dark side of bleak? Is it too real for people? Is it too hard to admit that situations like that exist? Why is it still "by demand"? Is it because we are afraid?

I found this article in The New York Times as I did some searching for the movie -
The Audacity of Precious - and now I want to see it even more. Where is Precious?


Me said...

I think it would be a better idea to read the book. I've heard great things about the performances, however, I also heard that the ending was a bit too cheery and pleasant, which is less than like real life.

I'm not going to get into that who ethnocentric debate you are wanting though. I sat quietly during Thanksgiving dinner listening to more of the ethnocentricities of the county and beyond folk. I'll just say I'm sorry that it's so hard for you to see it. I wonder if it will be easier to get once it's out on video?

HalfPint said...

I was thinking the exact thing about the book - currently I am on the wait list at the library for it - have been for a few weeks and if it weren't for Christmas gift buying taking our extra money at the moment I would buy it......I might anyway. Thank you for the word ethnocentric - no one who reads here ever debates - shoot they hardly comment - but you gave me a whole new area to think about with one word.

Jeannette E. Spaghetti said...

The only thing that makes me not want to see the movie is that I know it'll make me cry. I hate crying and I especially hate it when a movie makes me cry. Granted, the last time it happened was while watching King Kong. I know, I know... weird. But, I seriously cried for 20 minutes. It was bad.

And I realize this isn't the best reason to not want to see a movie, but that's my problem.

I hadn't thought about reading the book, but I'm still having a hard time getting back into reading for fun. And I have at least one book on my To-Read list (David Cross: I Drink for a Reason).

Wow, I totally did not add anything valuable to the conversation. Jessica blew me out of the water with that Ethnocentricities stuff. I didn't stand a chance.