Friday, January 29, 2010

You are right Rebecca..........I don't want to know the truth about anyone's house - or - Why I have Re-Fallen in LOVE with my couch!

Cuter then Cute right? Yes..........all our children are - Cuter then Cute. And they also make us either Rue the Day we chose that piece of furniture or Congratulate outselves on a Splendid Choice.

Now that BigGuy and I are on Child #3 (yes that means I am hoping to count a #4 someday - but TheKing has to stop screaming long enough for BigGuy to remember how cute small children can be for that to EVER happen) - that BigGuy and I are on Child #3 we are getting better at "choosing" the correct household extras to stand up to the inhabitants who are shorter then me.

Recently BigGuy and I RE-fell in love with our couch. I even posted about my love on facebook - and many people thought we had purchased a NEW couch, but no we hadn't - we just started to realize how great the couch we have is.

See it all started with this Angel Face pictured - shall we say - gross? If I am honest we will go back all the way back to the Older Angel Faces not pictured - because they did their damage too. Getting to the point though - TheKing has been sleeping on the couch lately - no big deal right? Only when he sleeps on the couch it is because he feel asleep before nap time - and to fall asleep before "officially" being put down for a nap also means you do not have a pull-up on - and if you don't have a pull-up on then it means when you wake up you are liable to pee on yourself..........and whatever surface you are sleeping on.

Get it now? TheKing slept on the couch and - yes - pee'd on it. Good, hard core, soaking pee - nothing tiny at all. And out came the pet odor removing stuff - out came the micro-suede fiber couch cleaner stuff - out came the towels - and we did our best.

Lesson learned? No. TheKing fell asleep on the couch a weekish later - yes - pee'd on it AGAIN. Good, hard core, soaking pee - never tiny at all. And out came the pet odor removing stuff - out came the micro-suede fiber couch cleaner stuff - out came the towels - and we did our best. Only this time there was a definate lingering smell. And we had a long talk with TheKing about no sleeping on the couch - and a long talk with ourselves about not letting TheKing sleep on the couch.

And then he just flat out pee'd on the couch. Not like in a Calvin & Hobbes cartoon - rather in an "I was watching tv and couldn't miss what was happening so I pee'd on the couch" kind of a way. And out came the pet odor removing stuff - out came the micro-suede fiber couch cleaner stuff - out came the towels - and we did our best. Only this time there was a gross smell - undeniable - it even grossed out Spidey and that is quite a trick.

This time I complained to my friend Rebecca. What else was I going to do. Told her my couch was ruined. Joked about how kids mess up everything good we own. And she said that she and her hubby have often discussed how if they actually KNEW what happened in other people's houses they would have a hard time sitting down and eating there. And she is totally right - I mean would you want to sit on the part of the couch that TheKing kept pee'ing on if you knew where it was? Not me.

And believe me there are a TON of stories that would gross you out. Like where SuperStar vomitted all over the entry. And if we add in our house in STL - well let me just say there are some really awful things that would keep you off the staircase there.

So after complaining - and telling myself that all of your houses have disgusting secrets just like mine I googled "cleaning urine from micro-fiber suede couches". First thing that popped up was basically "throw it out and buy a new one". Second thing too. Third thing also really. But the Fourth thing was - "well for the love of cupcakes pop that slip cover off and wash it - the things is a micro-fiber suede for goodness sakes you moron" (okay it wasn't worded exactly that way). And BigGuy and I both hesitated..........could it be THAT easy? No, we will ruin it - we aren't washing it in the washer - there must be something really hard and expensive we have to do to fix this.

Then we thought about our bank account. No way for the expensive solutions (not that we found anything other then "buy" a new one - probably planted by a furniture store).

Then we sniffed the cushion again.........and close to tossed from the smell. Well we couldn't keep it. So might as well go for trying the washer - it was already basically ruined.

In we put it - out it came - and we used Febreeze on the actual cushion - let it all dry for 24 hours - and OHMIGOODNESS!! It was perfectly fabulous! We love our couch. And now we can love our kids again. But Rebecca is still right........I don't want to know truth about anyone's house.


Franchesca said...

I completley love this. I am a big believer in "I don't want to know". I mean seriously.

Poor Sammie, we were watching Meet the Robinsons last night and it dawned on her that the dark haired lady (teaches frogs to sing) and the teenage boy were actually mother and son. And she said "Oh, gross. You mean, she gave BIRTH to him??? I know WAY too much about babies and stuff now". It's only a matter of time before she starts making the connections to real life people.

We all want that final effect. We just don't necessarily want to know all the gory details of life.
Interesting isn't it?

HalfPint said...

very much so.......