Saturday, January 5, 2008

Hey Mr. Postman......

Remember that song from when our parents were kids - "Hey Mr. Postman look and see.....if there's a letter in your bag for me.....hey Mr. Poooooooooostman deliver the letter, the sooner the better...." That is one of the things that we most look forward to starting right after Thanksgiving. All the holidays cards, picture cards, year end family letters and what not that we get. WE LOVE THEM!! Thank you every person who sent or handed us a card. We love receiving them and we love sending them. In years past we have only received a handful of cards through the holiday and this year I was thinking that perhaps we should decrease the number we send out since card sending was maybe not that important to our crowd - this year we received a whopping 68 cards!! We mailed 88 cards, hand delivered about 30 cards (teachers, Girl Scouts, friends - all hand crafted thank you) - so we received at least half the amount we sent which I feel is a wonderful thing. There was one day that 8 cards were delivered - the kids and I about passed out from the joy of getting to open all those cards. Some were handmade - some had family pics on them - some had long letters detailing the previous year - very cool. So Thank You Thank You Thank You - we loved the cards and notes!!

1 comment:

Morgan said...

And we love getting yours.

Nona & Popo