Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mixed Emotions

What do you see in this picture? Specifically it is a note on a drink container. This is written by SuperStar. It says, "Mom we need more coolaid in the container. PS I already ate my lunch." Now, is this -
A) A new way for the kids to bug me about doing the things they want me to do?
B) A joy because SuperStar made, ate and cleaned up her own lunch?
C) A joy because the children are finding new ways to communicate their needs without whining non-stop until they are met?
D) A subliminal message that I should have been more on top of things and made her lunch before she had to - and that I am not keeping a consistent beverage supply ready?
Now, know also that SuperStar wanted to know if I got her note - then asked me why I hadn't made the Kool-Aid yet, it had been 10 minutes. Perhaps that will change your answer and is why I have mixed emotions. Love that she can communicate, love that she is becoming much more independent, don't love being bossed about. Sigh. I am going to go with the answer being B & C.


Jeannette E. Spaghetti said...

I'm going with:

E. a subliminal message that you need more Fosamax.


HalfPint said...

Now I have to look up Fosamax.

HalfPint said...

Okay, I looked up Fosamax.

Hmm....do you really think she might break my bones over not having enough Kool-Aid? She has never been that violent about a beverage before - maybe candy, but not a drink.