Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Movin' and Shakin'

Our aunt made a comment about her blog this holiday break. She mentioned that she keeps it updated, but doesn't post quite as often as I do. That got me to thinking how often I post, which is more then some and not as much as others. Everyday there seems to be something that happens and I want to post it before I forget it so that you all can share it. Then there are breaks in the action every once in awhile and I don't post. Since most of you all don't leave comments (yes, I am hinting that you should so that I know you are there - did you see the tracker I posted so that I could try to figure out if STL ppl are stopping in?) I can't tell how often to keep things going. Some people check everyday - my sisinlaw and ironically some of the women who see me most everyday (go figure - and thanks all of you!). Regardless - this isn't about that.

I haven't posted in 5 day - ooooohhhhh!!!!!! That isn't because I am pacing myself - it is because we didn't have Internet access. The basement is finished and we pulled all the rooms apart and put them together (or are putting them together). The olders are splitting up. They have shared a room for 5 1/2 years and now have their own room (sad moment for me). So we started with taking the computer and craft room apart and took those things to the basement - the computer then sat for 3 days unhooked up because our contractor forgot to wire the outlet (he put it in, finished it, but never connected it to anything - BigGuy spent a few hours on Sunday trying to figure out what network to use and it never even was hooked up). Anyway, we moved that room - took down the bunkbeds, put them in the new Spidey room, then put up the really nice bed the previous owners left us for SuperStar - switched out furniture - cleaned the residue mess they had all over - put together the furniture in the basement - it went on and on. Through it all Spidey ran around the house seeming oblivious to the work we were doing - SuperStar prepared snacks for us (a tray for cheese, ham and celery magically appeared with water glasses filled with water) and statements of "Thank you for all the work you are doing to give us our own rooms". When we weren't paying attention I found out later that she was phoning everyone she had a number for and saying, "Yeah, Spidey is going to be in his own room and I will have space to myself without him!" She was excited. Spidey was also a little awe struck. I thought he would be sad to be out on his own, but toward the end of the day he marched up to BigGuy and I am instructed us that, "If the sign I have outside my door says "Opin" (his grammar) then I am in there and you can come in, if it says "Closid" then I am out and you can't go in." So to mess with him I asked if I decide to surprise him and clean his room whie he is at school, what should I do? He thought and said, "go ahead I will let you." Later I went up to clean and found Babers taking his sign (which was one of those magnetic boards that you push the lever to clear off) and clearing the word "Closid", scribbling on it and then dragging it by the pen into his room. I let him. I went in and cleaned a bit transferring things from one room to another. Spidey came up and got unglued when he saw me and accused me of taking his sign - then went scrambling looking for it. We had a talk after that - I expressed my ability to enter any room in the house without discipline from him and that a sign left on the ground would be open (my grammar) season to a 2 year old. I suggested a written sign taped up higher on the door.

All in all though - they LOVE their new rooms. Spidey falls asleep without the bopping up and down the stairs and SuperStar is acting like she has a luxury suite. Yesterday I went into Spidey's room to find him coloring on the floor. SuperStar spent almost an hour talking to her friend on the phone - hmmm.....that might be a problem. Babers is not as happy. They are both closing their door - which they didn't do before - and it makes it difficult for him to wreak havoc everywhere. Soon enough he will figure out doorknobs.

We hope to have it all settled soon and then we will post pics. Until then we will keep finishing the finishing work (that is another email) and get out stuff moved in.

1 comment:

Household Executive said...

can't wait to see the pics of their rooms! i do check often...i am addicted like that. :) ideally i would post on mine every other day, but some days get so busy that i don't have time.