Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Still No Moskee-toes

The other night we had friends over to our house. They had never been here before (well, one couple had) and got the tour. Said how nice everything looked - which made me feel good because personally I believe we still need some color on the first floor to overcome the BEIGE that is everywhere!! However, I have put down a carpet in the dining room - put up the mirrors (finally) and unpacked all the candles (this had not been done because Babers was still in his destruction phase. He appears to have mellowed out a bit and isn't bothering the deco's I have put out - yet. If the candles live for a few months then we will bring out some of the glass stuff again).

Anyway, after we had dinner we lit a fire in the backyard and roasted marshmallows. As we sat the husband part of the newest visitors said that this would be the test - if the bugs didn't bother us. I mentioned that we weirdly enough don't have any mosquitos - to which he looked at me like I was a Fibber McGee - his wife said there are always mosqitoes that bother her and even if we didn't have any that bothered us surely they would bother her. I watched, but I didn't see her wiggle, slap or say "ouch". So we are still golden here. However, just like in our STL house we still seem to have problems with.................... SNAKES!! Not that this guy was very big - in this photo it is contained in one of the kids plastic Halloween Pumpkins - but he was in the garage slithering around when we got home Saturday night. Yuck. The kids LOVED it!! So did BigGuy. They caught him - he posed for photos and then we set him free. Most likely he is an escapee from the corn field - they are plowing corn now - and he is looking for a safe place, warm place, maybe a winter home. Yuck. Still no Moskeetoes though.

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