Sunday, October 26, 2008

Time to Vote

As I keep mentioning (in new and subtle ways) it is Voting Season!! And we did a little event at school that would allow our kiddo's the opportunity to experience "Voting".

Currently our school district is preparing to build 3 new schools. 1 of these schools is already named (a deal made by the family with the land it is being built on). The other 2 schools are being named soon. To do this the district is taking "nominations" of names from anyone that wants to make a suggestion. Our kids will go to the new elementary being built - and the new junior high being built (yes, they still call them Jr. Highs here - at the end I will tell you why). So we decided to use this as an opportunity to experience voting. We asked all the teachers to work with their classes to nominate a name for each school - then submit their nomination to us (the PTO) - then the Student Council was asked to narrow the choices down to 2 for each school - we created ballots for the vote with these names;
Deerfield Elementary - White Oak Elementary - Cedar Ridge Elementary (there were 3)
Hershey Jr. High - Harvest Jr. High

Then we held our vote during lunch...........

In the end the Winners Were............

White Oak Elementary & Hershey Jr. High

These names were then submitted to the district website to be considered by the Naming Committee. Who will then narrow down ALL the entries to 3-5 choices and pass those on to the School Board for the final decision. SuperStar is on the naming committee - so is my friend CB (our PTO Pres.) and our schools secretary - so perhaps our names might make it a little further????

Now - why do they still call them Jr. Highs in this area? Well, this is the story I was told. When they were making the transition to Middle Schools there was a school that had a name starting with a "P" - Parkside or Prarie or something - and if it were a Middle school the abbreviation would have been PMS. To avoid that they stuck with Jr. High.

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