Tuesday, October 28, 2008

You're Really Losing It

Given the picture you probably think that I am about to write how Spidey is "really losing it" - yes? No. A few minutes ago he was sitting on the couch with BigGuy and SuperStar watching the show Cash Cab. Have you seen it? People get into a taxi cab in NY and then answer questions to win cash. Very cute - wish they had it here because we love trivia. Well, they went to a commercial. An advertisement for the Bow Flex came on. They are talking about how quickly you loose weight and tone up. I am listening from the computer room. A quick conversation begins...
Spidey says, "Wow, we should buy that for mom because she is trying really hard to do that, but it isn't working for her as fast as that thing worked for them."

Keeping in mind that the commercial was 30 seconds!! I guess in his mind those people were converted in the time it took to watch the commercial. I was just walking into the tv room to point that out when I hear him say..."You could use it too Dad (he is squeezing BigGuy's arm muscle), because you are really losing it."

I think what he said about me was a compliment compared to that. Better get BigGuy to the gym.

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