Thursday, October 2, 2008

Patience is his Virtue - not mine

Guess who is Potty Training!!! No, BigGuy is already done with that...... Babers is!!! And guess who had the bright idea to do it?? Babers did!!! Yep, one day recently he just said, "I go on da potty mommy" and he did. At the moment it is about 3 potty successes a day. Very exciting considering he is only 4 days in now. However, poopy remains elusive to him - and he is totally looking for the poopy. He will sit on the toilet for 20 minutes (this is the top length to date - although if I had not made him stop he would probably have stayed there) waiting to "see the poopy" as he likes to say. He will point to his tush while he is sitting and say, "Here it come" and then strain with a little moan and Nothing. Today as he sat there he began to cry because he wanted the "poopy come" so he could see it. Later it did show itself, but unfortunately we didn't see it in the pooty.

On the same line of thought - today the preschool we plan to enroll in called and set an appointment for us to come visit soon. Babers will be 3 in December - prerequisite #1 - prereq. #2 is that he be pooty trained - Cross Your Fingers!!

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