Sunday, November 30, 2008

How He Gets Out of Things

This morning I heard Babers get up. He called out to me a few times and then started down the staircase. Our staircase has a turn in it at at the turn from the there is a window that stretches from the floor half way up the very high wall and then another window that starts and stretches to the ceiling (no I don't clean the high one). Babers had stopped in front of the window to squeal about the Overnight Surprise we receieved - snow - and not just a smidge of snow but a good 2" of it. SuperStar also did the same. I heard her walk down the staircase and stop and take in her breath and just kinda squeak (see that big area lends itself to echo). Spidey was snuggled next to me in bed and didn't seem to take in what any of the others could be excited about. Later he got up and went directly into his room. I thought perhaps to put some clothes on and head outside - only he never came back out. After going downstairs, feeding Babers (who said that it was "too cold" to go out and play in the snow) and making coffee I wandered back up to see what Spidey was doing. He was sitting playing in the "sleepover room" he and SuperStar had set up the night before. They planned to have a sleepover in his room the previous night - only he fell asleep at 7pm!! Seriously! I told you all we are exhausted. So anyway, I asked him if he had looked outside yet - he got up, pulled back his curtain and just stood there - making funny breathing noises. He was totally excited too - only he seemed to feel the same way Babers did - his focus was "do we have to go to school?" - of course I told him "no", but only because it is Sunday (didn't mention that part though - let him have his moment right?).

Anyway, today was the day that BigGuy set aside to clear the yard of the tree limbs, the leaves (his plan was to burn them - can't say I am sad that won't be happening), dismantle the trampoline (which I have been asking to do for a month now) and hang the Christmas lights (which he says is super quick and easy). Only now we have snow - enough snow that he can't see the leaves - can't easily move the tree limbs about (although my guess is he will do this one because tomorrow is the last pick until spring) and it is not at all safe to be using a ladder on the icey ground. So he gets out of doing it. Another year. Or - worse yet - he will hang the lights on an icey rainy day like he did last year because he procrastinated.

I swear to goodness that he checked the weather and knew what was happening this weekend - because he took it pretty leisurely on those other cool, but sunny days this weekend.

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