Saturday, November 1, 2008


Yeah!!! Thanks to my friend, SS, we now have an Obama/Biden sign for our yard. See, we live in the land of McCain supporters. Nothing terribly wrong with that (but only because I know that the state will go to Obama) - some of them are our best friends - but there are so many darn signs that it feels very....well....wrong for lack of a better word. In STL there would have been few McCain signs - and those would have been stolen and then most likely destroyed (one person I knew replaced his Bush sign last go round 15 times!! Of course he kept complaining about how they kept disappearing and that he was going to get a security system to figure out who was doing it - which basically dared everyone to do it and so I guess they did). Anyway, I started searching for an Obama sign weeks back. Called the Dem. office - left a message - no return call - called again - they said they had a 7 week waiting list!! 7 week!! That would have put me past the election by a few weeks - she said people were still ordering them anyway. I decided to search in STL - and scored 2. Only then BigGuy got the stomache flu and didn't get to STL for his work stuff and couldn't pick them up. So my bestest friend mailed me one.

Then........because I was mailed a slip cover friend, CB, a Rep. gave me a sign to slip it over. She admitted that it was against her best judgement to do this, but because she truly believes in the democratic process our country is founded on she knew it was the right thing to do. And now our sign stands out on the corner of our yard - kinda like a sore thumb in the area - but our friends the K's have one just down the road barely out of sight - they are the first 2 signs you see before all the "other guys".

Thank You SS - Thank You CB - Vote Vote Vote on Tuesday!!!

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