Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Service Projects Are My Life

or so it seems.......I do believe that in the past month we have participated in at least 3 service projects - we are going to Christmas Carol in Dec. at a retirement village too and then we are doing one with our family when we are in Columbia, MO coming up. All of them are fun. All of them are for worth while groups. Most of them are with the Girl Scouts. Which leads me to wonder - if I were not the troop leader would I loose my initiative to participate in service projects? Not sure......I am fairly lazy (no really, at heart I am lazy - I am just too worried people will realize how lazy I truly am so I don't act lazy).........I am not going to dwell on that though. I will simply be glad that I get the chance to plan projects and/or participate on projects that allow me to share with my kiddo's what it means to touch others lives in a positive and helpful way.

Besides - it is all fun - here are some pics from when we did a food drive this past weekend - these kids hardly worked at all AND some wonderful woman gave the kids money to have hot chocolate from the Starbucks nearby. How cool is that?

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