Monday, November 24, 2008

Me Either

The children who live in this house appear to have some warped reality about what my desires are.

Oh, did I mention that this is primarily MY blog to talk about OUR family? Too much work running Made By Creative Me - Me In Motion - keeping up with all of you on facebook and running what was the Family Blog all by myself. So now This Blog is MY blog since it was always really mine anyhoo. Plus, SuperStar is toying with the idea of running a blog - which means I will be a co-supporter there. More about that around Winter Break time.

So anyway, these kids seem to have a warped idea of what I want to do for fun. See....each day they come home from school. There is a snack - sometimes very healthy and sometimes not so healthy. On the healthy days it goes something like this -
"Oh I don't want apple slices for a snack. Can I have something sugary?"
"No, I already prepared the apple slices. Have them and maybe later you can have something else."
To which they respond, "All you ever want us to do is eat healthy. You eat healhty all the time."
I am baffled by this. If I ate healthy all the time wouldn't I look a little better? Wouldn't we NOT have candy, chocolate, baked goods and such in the house?

So snack is over and it is time for homework. Since I am often consulted on how to do homework I hang around in the kitchen - which is where homework is done here. I empty the dishwasher, start making dinner if need be, wipe counters or do a load of laundry. Things I would much rather avoid doing - but since I am being held hostage in the kitchen I figure I should work on. As I do, the children complain about doing homework. Most everyday Spidey and I do a dry run on his spelling test so that he can practice.
"All you ever want us to do is our homework. You never want to have fun or to let us watch tv." Usually this is more Spidey then SuperStar - she went through this a few years ago.
"Yep, I am a homework maniac." I might respond. "That is all I ever think about - give me some homework, I need some homework, Jonesin' for some homework."

Do they honestly think that I am sitting at home ALL DAY LONG wishing, hoping, praying, scheming as to How I Can Get More Spelling Test Time With Them? Do I want to nag them to feed the pets, sort their laundry, practice piano, clean thier body, put their dishes away, pick up their rooms?


I want them to go somewhere and be quiet. I want to go down in my craft room and close the door and do something crafty. I want to go to the gym. I want to read a book. I want to watch Oprah - is her show even on anymore? It has been soooooooooooo long since I have actually seen it. I want to do ANYTHING that is not standing in my kitchen working on homework and hearing complaints about the snack I provided if it isn't chocolate coated.

Unfortunately - I don't get what I want so Bring on the Homework!!

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