Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Did you make the Wall of Christmas Fame?

Every year I put up all the Christmas cards that we receive. Now, I LOVE receiving the Christmas Cards - LOVE IT!! It is the reason I send out cards - and this year I mailed out 89 cards (this does not include the cards we give to teachers - 10 - or other specialty people - piano teacher, girl scouts, etc.). And don't be fooled by my well mannered appearance - I keep track of who sends us cards. While it isn't really a big deal if we receive one - it is noted. I am kinda like the Santa Claus of Christmas Cards. There are "expectations" of sending and receiving (gosh this is starting to sound bad, but I am being honest). Here are the rules:

1) We send to ALL of our family - regardless of if they send back - and honestly, immediate family (like sibs and parents) we only have 4 people who send us a card - our parents and one set of grands. Then there are Great Aunts & Uncles who send cards.
2) We send cards to ALL of our close friends - like those people we see on a regular basis.
3) We send cards to ALL of our close friends whom we do not see on a regular basis, but we visit or email through the year.
4) We send cards to friends who have kinda slipped through the cracks through the years - on a 3 year basis.
5) Blood line family (and Nona & Popo) get cards regardless of if they send them - because they are family and we love them and are obligated to do so.
6) All others get cards on a 3 year basis - after 3 years if we did not receive one from them they are cut off. Unless we see them on a daily basis and I would feel awful not sending one to them (this rule usually only applies to people we don't see often, but have been close to in the past). Also - life experiences factor in - if it is obvious the receivers life has been so challenging that they can't get a card out we do not hold that against them - they are given a free pass so to speak.
7) Anyone who does Valentine Cards, Summer Letters or Halloween Cards receive Christmas Cards. See, some friends have become very smart in sending out their family update greetings during other parts of the year - so as to keep Christmas less hectic. Clever, not my thing, but clever and I salute them.

Yes I keep a spread sheet of what we receive - really it is the Christmas Address List - I just keep track of if we heard from them that year or not - but it is a spread sheet.

This year I found a new dilemma. Email cards. What to do with the email card? To us a card is like a gift. We send these to those we care for that won't be a "traditional gift" person in our sphere. Our cards are thought out, created, stamped, picture included - an email card I am just not sure about. They are created, kinda, they definately show that we are thought of, no arguement, but are they really a card? For now I am counting them, but if stamps go up much more we might have to cut out the email card givers (so keep that in mind email card givers - although we will just start sending you an email card - which I am guessing you would be 100% cool with).

The other thing I love - pictures in cards. LOVE THEM!!! Because I can use them through the year on this picture post card holder I have. It is nice to tuck the photos into this round about for the kids to look at all year.

Gosh - I knew my card thing was a true "Thing", but I didn't realize it was such a big "Thing". This year we received 36 cards. Not bad. Well, off to update the spread sheet - the cards stay up a few more days - they are fun for guests to look at - and I Love Them!!

Thanks for the Christmas Cards........


Burt Robertson said...

Hi there,

I happen to stumble across your blog doing a Google Search about sending cards...

Your sending a lot of cards sounds like my wife. I'd like to tell you about something that has saved us a ton of money( Basically $1.00 to send a Card)and it saves time too. The way it works is unbelievable...

You can learn all about it at www.socreview.com/burt

Yes this is something you buy, but totally not a scam, don't believe me, then just google sendoutcards... You won't believe what you find out.

I'm not crazy Ian I apologize for the interruption but we love this and I just wanted to share the information, please feel free to delete the comment. To learn more about me and understand what I do feel free to visit:

or http://www.linkedin.com/in/brobertson

Morgan said...

Oh gosh. I feel so bad about not sending out cards this year. Now that I know that you do this and that it won't go unnoticed that I didn't send you a card, I'll certainly make a point to send you one from now on. Especially since you send such lovely handmade ones to us every year.

Love, Nona and Popo

Household Executive said...

normally you receive a card from us too. i didn't send to anyone this year because it snuck up on me...BUT on a normal year we send one.

HalfPint said...

@ HouseHold & Morgan - please know that you both fall in the family category and we would never ever cut you off. besides - this is the first year that we haven't received one from you and I know that things have been crazy for both of you (factor in the Life Experiences portion of the equeation). so please, no more worries!!!