Saturday, January 17, 2009

It Is Cookie Time!!!

Yesterday Was the Official Door To Door sales kick off for Girl Scout Cookies here in Central Illinois. Well, maybe all of IL, but we only really have to worry about what our counsel here in our area wants us to do. So yesterday was the day. And we didn't do any selling......Yikes! Why? Because it was 3 degrees outside - and.....because SuperStar is 200 boxes into her sales already - just through calling family, her Aunt, Household Exec., helping by seling in Columbia, MO, Gramma R helping a bit by selling to her Weight Watcher friends (isn't that a kick?) - and a few people in the area placing orders through computer sales (which is allowed). However, she has not begun to tap her resource of people - which is good because this year her goal is twice her last year goal. She has from now until Feb. 1st to complete her goal.

1,000 boxes.

Personally, I am thinking she can probably get it done. Hungry for some cookies? Wanna help her make her goal? Just let us know - we will be happy to help you endulge in your need for GS Cookies - you know they are only available one time per year!!

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