Monday, January 5, 2009

Which came First - the New Year or Christmas?

Okay, clearly Christmas came first, however, here on Ohhhhhh Yeah......New Years is arriving prior to Christmas. Why? Well, two fold - the pictures are less so they are easier to organize - and because New Years just happened so I am thinking about it more.

When the ball dropped we were at The H's (you may remember them from last years pics). Prior to we played Phase 10 (if you don't know how ask us - we will have you over and play - it is a lot of fun), ran around, ate yummy stuff and watched guests drop like flies after one little one threw up (yuck). Then, we had champagne. The kids had sparkling cider, but it seemed to fool Spidey - he kept coming back for more "Champ-ag-knee" (as he pronounced it).

and all the younger set blew the "tooters". SuperStar put on a full Green holiday decor and blew and blew and blew.

AS blew - she kept showing Babers how to blow, but he didn't get it and she finally said, "It is never going to blow for you. You can't do it. Stop even trying." She began to walk away and then turned back and said, "You are just too small." That sent Babers into tears - although I am not 100% sure he knew what she was saying, or that he was just sad he couldn't make any sound.

CH blew plenty fine. Had to ask him to leave and blow somewhere else.

but Babers just cried - and cried - and cried. I tried everything I could think of and then out of a symbol of solidarity I ripped the horn up into pieces (the cardboard part) and threw the plastic blower to the ground. Babers was horrified!!! He looked at the mess I made of his horn and began to suck in breathe to scream even louder - then he spotted the plastic part of the horn, picked it up and blew it. And it WORKED!!!

Must have been the cardboard keeping the sound from working somehow. At first the bleet was very soft, but we could hear it. That helped him realize how to form his lips and he got the hang of it very quickly - bleet - BLEET - BLEET - it was great.

Happy New Year!!

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