Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Public Apology

So every once in awhile I think about Homeschooling. Not really all that seriously, but I admit that I think about it. Wouldn't it make me the most perfect mom ever if I could homeschool my kids - all day together thinking of cool, creative, cutting edge things to help them learn and grow to be fabulous adults? I wouldn't have to worry about who they were encountering in the lunch room - what they were learning on the playground - implement structure that BigGuy and I think is ideal. Now, not that we have ANY complaints about our current school (except that there isn't enough cultural diversity in the African American area) - just that sometimes I admire moms who can homeschool and I have recently thought about it. Very recently - like over Winter Break - which was great - we all got along and we did things that were fun and I was sincerely disappointed that they went back to school.

But then there was the first week back - that Tues. Spidey was home for a dr. appt. - Dave was home the entire week with a stomach bug - I hurt my back reading too much (it can happen) - and then everyone was finally back at school the following Monday. And I missed them. Until Wed. when we had snow and they were home - and Thur. when we had negative temperatures and they were home - and now tomorrow (we just got the call) and due to temperatures they will be home - again - all day - with me - looking for things to do - with me - all day - did I mention they would be here all day? - oh, and to make it even better - Monday is a holiday - so they will be here that day too - and it ISN'T a holiday BigGuy will be home - so it will be me with them - all day - here - just us.

I love my children with an overpowering ability. However, I should not homeschool my children.

This is my public apology - I suppose to God because he must have heard my thoughts about homeschooling. Our public schools are FABULOUS. Our public schools have fabulous structure. Our public schools are a great place for my children to learn, grow, play and make friends. I publicly apologize for ever thinking that perhaps I should homeschool. I will NEVER do it again. I promise.

Now, please make it at least 15 degrees outside on Tuesday? Please?

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